Chapter Forty-Seven

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If you haven't already noticed I'm extremely motivated right now to write. That's good news for you guys I guess; you get more updates! Now let's get to this chapter.


Hoseok boarded the train, his duffle bag filled with his things slung over his shoulder. He had packed a bit heavy deciding it was best to be over prepared not knowing how long he was going to be staying in Daegu with Yoongi.

He walked down the aisle looking for his seat. Finding it he sat down putting his bag on the one next to him and pulling out his earphones and putting them in.

He took out his phone pressing play on his music and leaning back in his seat.

He had booked a hotel room a couple minutes from the address Yoongi had given him for him to stay in while he was there.

Now sat on the train. The only thing that stood in between him and Yoongi was the two-hour train ride.

He was excited to see him again. The first this he planned to do as soon as he saw him was give him the biggest hug ever telling him just how much he missed him.

Smiling contently, he took a quick selfie, posting it. Before settling into his seat and deciding to kill the time by getting some much-needed sleep.

 Before settling into his seat and deciding to kill the time by getting some much-needed sleep

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


Getting off the train. Hoseok stood looking around. He took out his phone typing out the address Yoongi had given him into Google Maps, needing help finding the place.

The address wasn't too far from the train station. If he got a taxi, it would only take around 15 minutes to get there. So, he decided to stop by the hotel he had booked, wanting to drop off his bag.

Throwing his bag over his shoulder, Hoseok walked out of the train station now standing on the street. He made his way to the edge of the pavement waving down the first taxi he saw.

The car pulled up beside him. Opening the door to the back seat he got in. Giving the driver the name of his hotel. The driver setting off.


Yoongi had woken up extremely excited. Not only was he around his family but he knew Hoseok was on his way here and he couldn't wait to see him again.

Yoongi had spent the night at Di-Seong's house. The woman insisting, he stay in the guest room. Saying something along the lines of. "You think I'd let my nephew get a hotel?"

Accepting her offer, she had given him a change of clothes to sleep in, saying she had a few of her ex-husband's clothes still laying around. Yoongi thanking her.

Yoongi was now sat downstairs eating breakfast counting down the time before Hoseok got here. Him having said he would be getting there just after mid-day.

Scandalous |SOPE ffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang