Chapter Thirty-Two

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Quick Note: If you read Chapter 31 within the first hour of it being published I suggest re-reading it as I had an issue where it didn't publish the whole chapter. It's all fixed now so please if the previous chapter was only 3 paragraphs for you please re-read it before continuing to this chapter. 


Yoongi was dragged down the street by Hoseok into a part of town he'd never been too. It wasn't as well built and it looked run down a stark contrast from the rest of the city. The shop founts were all run down and looked like they hadn't been cleaned in a while.

Yoongi felt a bit out of place here, it wasn't that he felt like he was above it but more he felt uneasy it was new surroundings if he were to loose Hoseok he wasn't 100% sure he'd be safe.

"Hoseok where are we going?" Yoongi asked slightly worried by his surroundings. Hoseok must have sensed his uneasiness and flashed the elder a reassuring smile.

"Trust me ok..."

Yoongi looked around before nodding lightly.

After walking for a further 10 minutes, Hoseok stopped in the middle of the street. Yoongi slightly bumping into him due to his sudden stop. Recollecting himself Yoongi looked around not seeing anything in particular.

"Were here" Hoseok smiled.

"Where is here?" Yoongi asked still confused and looking around behind him. However, when he turned around Hoseok wasn't in front of him. His eyes went wide as he frantically looked around for the younger.

He eventually spotted him not too far away walking into a small shop. Yoongi did even look at the sign more focused on catching up to Hoseok. Managing to slip inside the shop before the door closed behind Hoseok Yoongi now looked around.

The shop was bigger than he thought, the walls filled head to toe with clothes racks with a rainbow of different types of clothes. The room kind of smelt musty and old. He slowly stepped further into the shop looking around.

To occupied with looking around the room Yoongi yelped and visibly jumped when Hoseok wrapped his arms around him and rested his head on his shoulder.

"It just me. Don't worry" Hoseok said calming the smaller down.

"What is this place?"

"It's a Thrift shop" (Ew I hate myself for writing that, it's a charity shop for my fellow British people).

"Why are we here?" Yoongi said turning around in Hoseok's hold to looks at the younger.

"I come here all the time; you can find some hidden gems here. A lot of my wardrobe was bought from here. Fashion shouldn't be all about big brands. I'm love this place because everything here is either one of a kind, original or recycled."

"I thought we could do a bit of shopping; I saw you struggling with your outfit earlier and I thought you'd make a beautiful dress up doll." Hoseok smiled.

"And this place reminds me of you."

"It's a masked beauty..." Hoseok said wiggling his eyebrows and smiling.

"That- that was really cheesy" said rolling his eyes and smirking. Then looking back at the shop.

"I know it's not as fancy as you're used-"

Hoseok was cut off by Yoongi smashing his lips on his before pulling away smiling. "This place is special to you, so shut up and lets shop." Yoongi said tugging Hoseok down one of the isles of clothing racks.

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