Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Ok Yoongi turn you head slightly towards the left"

"Yes, just like that, perfect." The photographer said while snapping multiple different shots of Yoongi who was sat on the ground against a wall trying his best to pose and follow the directions he was given.

The shoot was taking place on location, the place they had previously been was specifically for indoor shoots and costume, hair and make-up. Once they had finished getting ready, they all headed out to a bridge downtown.

It was heavily decorated with graffiti. The walls painted with bright colours. It was really pretty not what he expected at all when Hoseok had suggested he take part in a photoshoot.

After about an hour and a half the photographer moved on to Taehyung who was finished in less than half an hour, the photographer claiming he's just really photogenic.

The shoot finally finished at around 3pm and the six were heading back to get changed and get their stuff so they could go home, Hoseok had stayed back to talk to some of the photographers and help select the best photos from the shoot.

Therefore, Yoongi was left with Jimin, he felt more comfortable around the younger than the others, excluding Hoseok. He had spoken to Jimin the most out of Hoseok's friends and though he was really easy to get along with.

Yoongi however still didn't talk much to the younger, occasionally answering the questions that the younger would throw his way. He wasn't used to being around so many people and he definitely wasn't used to being the centre of attention.

When they reached the building, they were at previously the males went inside all heading the rooms they had been in before to get their hair and make-up done. Jimin practically dragged Yoongi into the room throwing his clothes at him signalling him to get dressed quickly.

Yoongi looked at Jimin blankly, not wanting to change while the younger was in the room and he especially didn't want to change with all these mirrors around. He just clutched onto his clothes hugging them loosely to his chest.

Looking around the room, his eyes darting around. Yoongi's eyes landed on the bathroom adjoined to the small room. Deciding to change their Yoongi made his way to the door slipping into the room and closing the door behind him.

The room was small only having a small sink and toilet. Luckily, there was no mirror making Yoongi a lot more comfortable with the situation.

Slipping off his clothes and replacing them with his own Yoongi dusted himself off patting his clothes down and ruffling his hair a bit. He walked out of the room to see Jimin standing outside the door.

"Why'd you change in there?" The younger asked raising an eyebrow slightly.

Yoongi scratched the back of his ear lowering his head a little. "Sorry, I just don't like changing in front of people."

The younger just nodded believing what Yoongi had told him was the whole truth. It wasn't particularly a lie but it wasn't the 100% true either.

Yoongi did feel uncomfortable changing in front of people but he also felt uncomfortable changing in front of himself. So, staying away from mirrors was something the elder did often. Because Yoongi knew full well his body wasn't nice to look at.

He was pale, he had a small tummy rather than a flat stomach or abs, his legs were skinny and undefined, same with his arms. He hated his body almost as much as he hated his face.

Jimin looked at Yoongi and smiled starting to clap his hands. "You ready to go?" The male said bouncing on his heals clearly excited about the idea of Yoongi dying his hair.

"What about Hoseok?" The elder asked confused. Shouldn't he tell him he's leaving so he won't get worried when he can't find him.

"Don't worry I'll text him and tell him we went to grab some food because you were hungry and I'll drop you home later. I'm sure he'll be fine with it." Jimin replied.

Yoongi was slightly apprehensive about the situation but nodded, he needed to worry less anyway and Jimin seemed nice enough he was Hoseok's friend he must be trustworthy. Jimin smiled widely at the elder his eyes closing fully before pulling the male out of the room and to his car.

The elder sat down getting into Jimin's car tapping his thighs nervously. This was the first time he had gone out like this without Hoseok around and to say he was a little nervous was an understatement. The added nerves of dying his hair didn't help either.

Should he have asked first? Would Hoseok care that I didn't tell him. Would he be surprised? Would he like it? Where a few of the many thoughts gushing through Yoongi's mind. He was so caught up in his own little world of insecurity he hadn't even noticed the car come to a stop outside the hair salon.

He was brought out of his thoughts by Jimin waving his palm in front of the elder's face. Yoongi flinched at the action his eyes widening slightly.

He looked over and Jimin who just gave him a confused look. Yoongi just sighed realising Jimin was only trying to gain his attention and had no intention of slapping him. He knew the younger wouldn't hurt him but he was still new to him. He wasn't Hoseok either. Hoseok was the one person he felt 100% safe with.

Getting out the car Jimin lead Yoongi in a small hair salon, the two walking up to the counter where a woman who looked to be in her early thirty's was sitting.

Jimin smiled and greeted the woman. Yoongi just stood there playing this his fingers listening to the conversation between the two.

"Hi Jimin-ssi, haven't seen you in a while. What brings you here." the woman spoke directing a small glance in Yoongi's direction.

"Hey Ji-eun noona." Jimin responded.

"I'm not actually here for me" Jimin added turning around and gesturing to Yoongi to come closer.

"I'm here with my friend he wants to dye his hair" Jimin beamed looking back at the woman.

The woman smiled and looked at Yoongi. " I can so that, What's your name sweety?" She said warmly.

"Y-yoongi" the male managed to stutter out as he bowed his head to the woman. She just smiled at the boy in response.

"So have you any idea what colour?" the woman said directing her question towards Yoongi.

"I- I was thinking blonde." Yoongi said shyly.

The woman just nodded "I can do that; it'll take a while but your hair looks to be all-natural colouring so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Come on take a seat over here and we'll get started shall we" the woman said standing up and walking over to a leather chair. Yoongi followed gingerly before sitting down. The woman briefly left returning with a gown to cover Yoongi's clothes so they wouldn't be stained by the dye and a pot of bleach.

She brushed through Yoongi's hair quickly before starting to apply the bleach. Jimin sitting down on a chair in the corner smiling and pulling out his phone to text Hoseok before he forgot. 

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