your song

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Castiel was singing a song he wrote called 'People are strange', he was going to sing the second verse but someone interrupted him by opening the door to the music room.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Jod-" Castiel thought it was his teacher but as he turned around his eyes were wide open and his mouth became dry. Castiel didn't know what to say, he was just looking at the person In front of him.

"What's the song called?" Dean asked casually, walking into the room. Castiel stumbled to put the guitar back to it's place. He didn't really want to answer the question but Dean didn't give him much of a choice.

"P-people are strange"

"Hmm never heard of that. Who's the author ?" Castiel swallowed dryly. Should he tell Dean that he wrote that song? Probably no.

"Umm... i-i don't know." Cas replied. Dean stared at him like he knew the truth, like he knew that Cas lied. Castiel looked at the ground avoiding Dean's face.

"Cas-" Dean was about to say something but Mrs. Jody came into the classroom, interrupting Dean in the process.

"Dean? What are you doing here ?"

"Jody ?" Dean said. Woah? Jody? WHAT? Since when ?

"Dean, you know you're not allowed to call me like that in school." she sighed. What the hell is going on ?

"Oh hello Castiel, you're here to start the guitar lesson am i right ?" Castiel just started at her confused. He indeed was there to start the guitar lesson but he couldn't believe to what was happening right before his eyes.

"Sorry about that. Dean here, well we know each other out of school." Castiel eyes widened. Are they going out with each other ? Are they sleeping together ? But isn't that illegal ???!

"Not like that!" she quickly said defending herself like she just read Cas' mind.

"I know his father, well... I mean his uncle." sighed Mrs. Jody and glanced over at Dean. Castiel didn't notice that so he just nodded understanding that Mrs. Jody just knew Dean's uncle, nothing wired about that.

"What are you doing here anyway ? Wanna join us at some guitar playing ?" Jody asked looking at Dean. He lifted his head up when he noticed she's talking to him. He shrugged, but decided quickly.

"I'll stay, don't have anything else to do anyway." He made the decision to stay mostly so that he can spend some time with Castiel and afterwards tell him something he's been wanting to tell him for quite some time.


"You're pretty good at that." Dean commented when Castiel started to play on the guitar again. Cas scoffed and continued playing. He could feel Dean's eyes on him, watching him intensely.

"Enjoying the view?" Castiel sassed sarcastically.

"Actually, yes." Dean replied. Castiel's heart jumped into his throat and he started coughing. Dean laughed at Cas' reaction.

"What?" Dean asked looking over at Jody who was smirking.

"Nothing." she puts up her hands in defence but the smirk didn't leave her face. Dean weirdly eyed her but Castiel didn't understand why. He was too oblivious to everything.


After the lesson ended Castiel thanked Mrs. Jody and left with Dean tailing him. She waved him goodbye and winked. He squinted his eyes, not understanding what she meant.

"Why are you following me Dean?" Cas turned around bringing his attention to the lost puppy behind him.

"Because I can." Dean smirked

tell Dean that I'm gone || Destiel/DeanCasKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat