lonely is the night

177 11 5

TW; physical abuse !!

After school ended, Castiel went to the bus station and straight home. He was looking out of the window, listening to more music by Elvis Presley. He was happy. His first day in school and he already made a friend. Everything was so perfect, ignoring the fact that Crowley bothered him in the cafeteria. He couldn't wait to tell Gabriel about his new friend. He was truely happy. But what he didn't know is that this happiness wouldn't last very long.


"I'm home!" Castiel yelled as he opened the front door to his house. As he was taking off his shoes he noticed another pair of shoes that he only saw once in a while. His father was home.

As soon as Castiel realised this, he regretted announcing his arrival. He slowly walked upstairs, trying to make as little noise as possible. But unfortunately, it didn't go as planned.

"Where are you going?" Castiel shivered at the similar voice and turned around, facing his father.

"I-i was in school and n-now I'm g-going up to my room." He cursed himself mentally for stuttering that much.

"Where are your siblings?" Thank God he didn't find them. Castiel sighed in relief.

"I don't know." He said turning away to continue walking up the stairs.

"Don't you dare walk away from me when I'm talking to you!" His father yelled very angrily and threw a bottle of beer at Castiel. Luckily he dodged it but as it shattered, some of the pieces got stuck in his skin. He slightly winced at the sharpness of the glass. He then quickly turned around so that he could be facing his father. He was looking at the ground. He didn't want to meet this man's eyes. He hated him.

Castiel's father, or Chuck as they called him, walked over to Castiel gripping his raven hair. He started to drag Castiel down the stairs. Castiel tried to protest and run away but Chuck's grip was too tight. He then dropped Castiel  on the floor and kicked him in his stomach. Castiel's stomach hurt. He's never experienced such pain. He felt like he was going to throw up all of his insides. His father kept kicking him until Castiel felt like he would pass out.

"Oh hell no. You're not going to pass out on me!" Shouted Chuck as he picked Castiel up and started to hit his face.

Castiel felt like he was dying. He was bleeding from his head a lot. He knew this would happen, he's used to it, but his father has never been this violent until now. It was always just a slap across the face or gripping hair but never this. He didn't know what angered the older male that much but he blamed himself for it, because that's what he always did.

"DAD, STOP!" What is Gabriel doing here ? NO he can't get hurt! Castiel plead and held his father so that he won't get close to Gabriel.

"GO TO YOUR ROOM GABRIEL!" He yelled back hitting Castiel one more time.

"NOT UNTIL YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Gabriel was mad. Like really mad. Castiel's never seen him act like that. Castiel heard some more noises but he couldn't figure out what was going on. He couldn't see anymore. He was getting weaker and weaker each second. He eventually blacked out.


Castiel woke up on Gabriel's bed. He looked around and noticed Gabriel sitting at a table nervously tapping his finger.

"How long was I out ?" Castiel asked his older brother. And as soon as his voice reached Gabriel's ears, Gabriel jumped from his seat and walked over to Castiel.

"For three hours! I was so scared, i almost called the ambulance." Gabriel's eyes were red and swollen because he cried but there was no reason for his cheek to be red and swollen. Castiel narrowed his eyes.

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