hello stranger

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Castiel's heartbeat started to fasten. He carefully opened the note swallowing while doing so.

'You're new here right?' It was written in kind of childish like handwriting. Castiel slightly smiled at the sight.

'Yes.' He simply replied. He folded the paper and threw it on the other boy's desk.

He watched as the boy opened the note and looked at it. He picked up his pen and wrote something. The note was then again on Castiel's desk.

'Cool. So, how do you like it here so far ?' Castiel laughed at the stupid question.

'It's going pretty well. I made some friends and also become the next target to the school bully.' He wrote and passed on the note.

The boy's eyes kind of widened and he quickly wrote a reply.

'Who bullies you? Should I punch some sense into a coward ?'

'No no, it's okay thanks.' Castiel was about to give the boy the note back but he heard his teacher call his name. He turned around and finally after a long time he was paying attention to the real world around him.

"What did you draw Castiel?" The teacher asked.

"I- umm. I drew black wings of an angel ?" He said, more like questioned.

"Would you like to explain why?" Mr. Raphael asked curiously.

"Well um, because it describes my family, my name and my believes, I guess." Castiel shrugged, he wasn't very comfortable talking about it.

"Interesting. Thank you for sharing that with us." He looked over at the green-eyed boy who was staring back at him like he wanted to know the origin of Castiel's drawing.

Soon after the bell rang. The mysterious boy packed his stuff in an instant and walked out of the classroom. Castiel didn't even get to answer the boy who just left. He was rather disappointed about not even knowing his name but he tried to forget about it.

After art lesson with Mr. Raphael he had two more classes. The two lessons ened quicker than be expected. But what he couldn't get out of his mind was the freckled boy who sat next to him. Castiel could feel that he was different, but at the same time he felt like they had so much in common and that that's what brought them together. He didn't know how, but it felt like they were destined to meet.


He was about to meet up with Charlie after school so that she can introduce him to her friends. Castiel was very nervous because he was scared that his past is going to repeat, he's scared that they're going to hate him and judge him and eventually bully him and beat him up in the hallways at any occasion. He didn't want to be paranoid but that's what happened most of the time.

He was standing in front of the school next to an old tree, there were a lot of things carved into them. Something that couples would do, carve names and pluses surrounded by a big heart. Castiel was reading a book while he waited for Charlie. It was about how Troy and how Achilles fell in love with Patroclus. It was interesting since the period of time in the story was so different from nowdays. This was the first time Castiel read a book about two males falling in love with each other and to say at least, he didn't hate it.

His sister Anna had given him this book for his birthday. She knew that Castiel liked books about the ancient times so she bought it to him. What she didn't know is that it was more or less a gay love story. He didn't mind it though. It was actually a very beautiful and heartbreakig story, ending with Patroclus and Achilles leaving the readers heartbroken.

Castiel's train of thoughts has been interrupted by Charlie screaming from the distance. He looked up at her and he could see her sprinting towards him. When she finally arrived she gave Castiel a big hug. He awkwardly hugged her back as he wasn't used to hugging people.

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