Chapter 20: Red in White

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"Two armies that fight each other is like one large army that commits suicide"

The quote rang around in Nico's mind but he couldn't think of who said it. It was one of the ones he had to memorize. His exams were upon him and he really wanted to go to college.

Could standard deviation be positive or negative, or both? Correlation does not cause causation. Negative 'b' plus or minus the square root of...

Block, dodge, bury your face in the dirt to keep from getting skewered into the nearest wall.

How long did the Waco siege last? How many ghouls ended up being involved? How many other little rebellions did ghouls change? How drastic were those changes? How many-

"Hades! Just surrender!"

Nico grit his teeth and staggered back to his feet. Defense, defense, protect your home-

What was the thirteenth amendment? The seventeenth? Which amendment deals with ghouls and which one was in the air dealing with them?

"I'm only on the defensive!" he spit back. "What's that say about you?"

He was aware of a drone nearby, whether it be from a civilian or the media he didn't know, but he said it loud enough for it to pick up on. Show the people these motherfuckers attacked him and his home. Show them these motherfuckers were-...

doing their job.




The raid that is currently being conducted by the CCG is nearing its second hour. All of lower Manhattan has been evacuated, including NYU's campus and dorms. Miles away in Brooklyn, different hotels and businesses have opened their doors to the displaced. We have drones on site of this battlefield, but let's go back to the beginning for the viewers just coming in.

At two o'clock this afternoon, the CCG began its raid against the small coffee shop known as Big House. Their spokesman has stated that it's believed that this building is holding the infamous ghoul known as the One-Eyed King. Immediately, the CCG was met with ghoul resistance. It is believed-

Cecil slipped the knife into his pocket and turned the radio off. Will wasn't answering, but something like this had been Cecil's fear ever since Will was turned. They never spoke about it, and Cecil tried not to show he knew, but it was too obvious. Now Will was living there with the boyfriend Cecil knew was also a ghoul, and now they were being attacked-

He rode his bike as far as he could before going the rest of the way on foot. When he was close enough, there were dead CCG officers in more places than one. It was easy to take a uniform and put it on, a helmet over his hair, and slip through the ranks.

Will would tell him to run and mind his own business. His family would swear he was crazy. But he'd already had more run-ins with the law than good at his age, and this time if he got caught, he could at least say it was for a reason.

To save his friend, even if he was a ghoul, because the CCG was what started this. And he knew Will would never kill anybody.




In a bar somewhere in Queens, Leo Valdez turned to stare at his best friend.

"So, we gonna join the war?"

Piper stared into her glass of blood. "Yes, but only because it can be called that."




Will never saw so much carnage.

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