Chapter 16- The Titans

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Will stared at Nico and moved his lips, tried to force words out, but none came. What was Nico expecting as an answer? What was he dreading?

After a minute or two of silence, a blush spread across Nico's cheeks as he glanced away. "I, uh...I just thought...we sleep in the same bed, and you just...friends don't do that."

"Are you...not wanting us to be more than...?"

"Are you not wanting us to be?"

Will pulled his knees to his chest. "Dude, I...I would like us to know...but I didn't know if you wanted us to...I saw how your exes can be."

Nico scowled at the mention of Dakota. "Lustful bastards?"

Will nodded.

"But you aren't one, I've seen that," Nico said. "And uh,...we work well together. Live well together. It's's like we're already...together."

"It's just not official."


Will smiled at him through the awkwardness. "So like, that?"

Nico hid half his face with his palm but nodded. "What about you?"

Will moved closer to him on the couch. "I've liked you like that since I met you."

Nico blushed worse. "What? Are you serious?"

Will nodded. "I, uh...I was scared to say anything, because the last time I tried to date someone...well, you saw what happened."

"Bryce," Nico growled.


"But were you scared of me?" Nico asked. "I...I know I can come off as...angry... But I can't control it. I just... I have so much of it..."

Will stared at Nico, his dark eyes and hair, that blushing but pale face. "You know, admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery."

"God, you're cliche," Nico muttered.

Will laughed, and suddenly all the awkward in the air melted away. He could see Nico better, could move closer and not be afraid to touch him, could lean in for a kiss and taste the blood on those lips.


"Has he gotten a haircut?"

Will stared at Cecil from across the picnic table. "You've been yelling at me to make a move, and that's what you ask when I admit we finally got together?"

"It's how you know if you love him or not," Cecil defended. "I mean, he's a hurricane of a person, but if you love him, you love him. You just have to figure out if you do or not."

"So, let me make this clear," Will started, "You want me to ask him to get a haircut."

Cecil nodded.

Did ghoul's hair grow quicker? Was that possible when it came to their quick regeneration?

"He's hot with long hair."

"That's what I'm saying!" Cecil broke his sub in half and started to eat it. He didn't question why Will wasn't eating anything. "You think his hair is what makes him hot."

Will put his head in his hands. "He could shave his head and I'd call him an idiot but I'd still be with him. He's much for me."

"Like what?" Cecil asked.

"He saved us from-..." Will bit his tongue. "He...uh, he's helped me with schoolwork, even though he's younger. Yeah, he's smart. And what's he's done for Hazel...we're like a family."

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