Chapter 17: When We Fall Apart

Start from the beginning

Cheering and claps erupted as the Swindon coach placed a medal around me. 

"I really wish that Swindon had a swimmer such as yourself. You should've taken my offer to attend an esteemed private school like Swindon Academy," the coach said with a smile. 

I simply stared at him in shock. 

Percy received acceptance to a place like Swindon Academy and rejected it. Swindon was one of the best private academies in the state for sports and academics. 

Of course, Percy probably couldn't afford it. 

"Thank you, sir," I said casually. 

The medal weighed on my bare chest proudly. This was nothing compared to the trophies that Percy had in his room though. 

"Of course, you didn't want to leave your team and coach," he chuckled. "I respect that." 

I nodded before retracting to my team. Percy chose to stay with Goode High and Coach Hedge; I really couldn't imagine why. 

I sighed. Percy was extremely loyal. That's why. 

The bus ride back to school was loud and enjoyable. Everyone was smelling of chlorine, but no one seemed to care. 

It was the last competition for most of the swim team members, and they were probably ready to take it easy. Percy's real competition was just starting. 

I had to get him through districts next week. That was the presumed purpose of Janus's spell: the body swap. 

Frank and I were laughing as we got off the bus. The drive back home was quicker than the drive to Swindon, probably because my nerves were gone. 

"Gods, I'm ready for a shower," I exclaimed as I massaged my shoulder. 

Frank laughed as he agreed. We continued towards Frank's car in the front parking lot. 


Coach's bark interrupted our conversation and route to the parking lot. I sighed as we both turned around. 

Considering Percy's performance at the meet, I thought the coach was coming for congratulations. However, I was (of course) being too hopeful. 

"Coach, didn't Percy do great today?" Frank asked nervously. 

Most of the team was still here watching the interaction between me and the coach. A group had quietly formed. 

"Coach, you called my name," I acknowledged evenly.

"Jackson, your times weren't the best," Coach said flatly. "While you did well in the competition, this is pretty average for you, Jackson." 

I simply stared at the man. Honestly, I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I just couldn't understand why I couldn't say anything. 

"Sir, I-"

"Jackson, you are representing your school, yet you're not on top of your game. What is going on with you?" he exclaimed angrily. 

All of the other teammates were staring at me (ie Percy). I hated their scrutinizing and pitiful looks. 

They all knew that Percy was an excellent swimmer. After all, he had ranked first at this meet, yet Coach was always so hard on him. The whole school was always so hard on him. 

"Well, Jackson, explain yourself," Coach growled. 


I choked on my words as the emotions ran wild. Percy usually didn't defy the coach and the school, and I couldn't quite speak up either. 

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