A disc appear out of nowhere and land on his hand.

"Alright! I’m gonna defeat all of you!"

"I'll join."

I stand beside Grim and readies myself.

"But everyone here will be trying to attack you with magic to steal the disc. Hihihi!" Ben, don't underestimate us.

"Alright, game start!"


"Alright! I’ll shoot this disc straight to the goal!" Grim jump high and was about to kick the disc but Ben interfere. "Boo!'

Grim got startled. "Wh-wh-wh-what are you doing!?"

"Hihi! I’m trying to get in the way of the opponent’s attack, of course!"

"That's not even magic!"


"Trying to shoot the disc’s so difficult!!" Grim said as he was having a hard time to shoot the said disc.

"Ihihihihi! You’re not fit to join the tournament at this rate~" Ben teased.


s they were talking, I took the disc and throw it towards their goal point and course, Alvin tried to stop it from entering the goal and like hell I would let him.

I open a portal (if you play honkai impact you know legion Herrscher can open a portal) and he went through it.

The disc went to the goal as I cheered! "Grim, we got it!" And I made a victory dance.



"Oh, are you playing some Magical Shift?" Crowley asked when I face around after my victory dance.

"Ugh… The source of my dread is here…" Grim said weakly.

I laughed. "We manage to get a goal."

"That's great!" He pat me like a proud father. "It looks like you’re getting along well with the dorm ghosts. How magnificent~ but don't get along toooooooo well."

"We’re not really friends, yanno! So, what’d you come here for?" Grim denied.

"No, I'm their friend." I pointed to myself.

"I came here to ask you for a favour. Talking outside won’t do, so let us head in." Oh boy, oh shit. Here we go again. "Aight, time to be an errand girl again. What's my errand gonna be dis time?"


[Ramshackle dorm - Lounge]

[Ramshackle dorm - Lounge]

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