"I'm sorry I didn't know about your parents."

"I didn't know either until I caught my dad cheating." I let out a sigh. I never would have thought his parents would break up they were an ideal couple, everyone looked up to them.

"And what's going on with school?"

"I can't focus. I get overwhelmed. I feel like I can't be what everyone wants me to be. What if I don't want to shoot guns, lift weights, and memorize every single subject there is to exist. What if I want to..."

"You want to cook?"

"What if?" Ashton is a world-class cook I kid you not. He is a magician.

"You can."

"No I can't. My parents would never look at me in the same way. I'd disappoint them.Just like I disappoint everyone."

"You've never disappointed anyone. Look at me, I'm the messy one. Not you, never you."

"And look at Andrea. We're so close but so far. I feel like she genuinely doesn't want to be with me."

"And why would you think that?"

"I don't know. I feel it. She doesn't feel what I feel." He takes another swig at the bottle and I know it's empty because he's irritated. He tries to reach back for another one but can't reach them.

"Ash, stop. I can't see the road with you all over." He gives up and sits back in the seat.

"Is there something wrong with me?"

"No there isn't. But right now I think you're drunk." We get closer to the beach because I can see our friends in the distance.

"I don't want to go back there."

"Stop it. We'll just sit and drink. Okay?"

"No. You don't understand." He grabs the wheel as I turn into the street closest to the beach.

"Ash stop it." I move him away but this time he comes with more force and we end up hitting a lamp post.

"What the fuck?" I hear Sierra exclaim.The all run over to the car. I hold my head and I feel stickiness. Looking back at my hand I see that there's blood.The driver's side door opens and to my surprise it's Andrea.

"Oh my god, are you okay?"

"Yeah, fine." With her good arm she grabs my chin and moves my head to the side, exposing my wound.

"You're hurt." She helps me out as Sierra and Gabe help Ash out of the other side.

"It's not too bad." I swat her hand away.

"You're bleeding-"

"Stop, okay? Just stop." I say a little too aggressively.

"Fine." She throws me an old rag and walks away toward Ash. I hold the rag up against my head to help stop the bleeding. Walking over to my car again I open the back door to take out the alcohol. I bring it back to the bonfire where everyone is back.

"Here guys." I let them drop into the sand. I try to make eye contact with Andrea but she looks away. Sierra gives me a side hug and then proceeds to hand out the drinks. I grab two and head out closer to the lighthouse.

"It's dark you shouldn't go down there!" Isabella yells behind me.

"I'll be fine I'm not as stupid as Ash. I just need to be alone." The old lighthouse was our favorite place to play when we were younger but now it's closed due to rust. I climb over the small "no trespassing" gate. The eroded stairs creak as I step on them to climb up to the lighthouse. As I'm finally on the top, I watch the waves come in slowly.

"You know I came up here to be alone right?" I say out loud.

" I know." The voice replies.

"I told you, you don't have to say anything, I know the sound of you anywhere."

Andrea comes out of the shadows.

"I think it was because of the loud stairs."


"I can leave if you want."

"No, it's fine."

She nods and then sits next to me. Our legs hang dangle off of the ledge.

"I'm sorry about Brianna, you know. I know you were close to her."

"Yeah." We both take turns drinking from the bottle.

"How's your arm?"

"It feels better. Whatever medicine they've been giving me has been working."

"That's good to hear."

"So what was all that about? In the car?"

"Nothing. Ash is just going through a tough time right now. He needs you." I watch as she looks away at the water.

"I know." I put the bottle down between us, still looking at how peaceful the water looks and sounds. Her hand slowly inches towards me until her pinkie is intertwined in mine. My heart starts to beat faster.

"I am here for you, too. You know that right? No matter how we started off, no matter what's going on, I want you to know that I'll always be there for you."


"Because I care. I know you think people don't. But I do. I really do and I can't help it."

"I don't-"

"Stop overthinking things. I just care for you." I let my hand fully slip into hers and I hold it. She finally looks away from the water and looks at me.

"You're overthinking it. Stop."

"Stop overthinking what?"

"Kissing me." My stomach turns as my eyes wander down to her lips. Everything washes away when I look at her. I let my hand rest on her cheek, pulling her closer to me. Don't overthink it.

I lean in and let my lips touch hers. And then before I know it, I'm kissing her.She kisses me back with even more passion. I realize how much I've longed for her taste and now I know I can never get enough. We kiss and kiss until she kisses me harder, with urgency, like she's never needed anything more. She takes my breath away with every kiss, and there's no better way I'd want to be suffocated. I let my desperate mouth part her shaking lips and she lets out a soft moan. I let my lips travel down to her neck, sending her shivers that made her whole body tremble. She grabs my face and pulls me up again, and kisses me, letting her tongue slip in. And it's nothing like I've ever experienced. I feel electricity run through me. I've probably kissed many people but no one has ever felt like this. I kiss her until kissing isn't enough. I want to melt into her. I want to explore every inch of her body. My hands are everywhere and I know that I want her closer than close. Everything around me evaporated until I heard a voice.

"Andrea...?" We both break away to see Ashton standing by the stairs in shock.

Tears of Blood (wlw)Where stories live. Discover now