Chapter 62: When Can I See You Again?

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay?" (Y/N) asked. Yelena didn't answer immediately, but eventually nodded repeatedly.

"Yes." She replied. (Y/N) smiled at her, glad to hear that. Yelena felt herself smiling back at him before Natasha reached out and held her by the shoulder.

"Прости меня сестренка." Natasha apologised, still looking emotional. "I should've come back for you."

"You don't have to say that. It's okay." Yelena shook her head.

"It was real to me, too." Natasha stated in reference to their younger years. The two stared at each other before Yelena almost smirked, moving down and kissing Natasha's arm before the two pressed their heads together in a sisterly bond, escalating into a hug.

"Thank you." Yelena whispered. The two looked over, spotting Melina and Alexei limping over.

"Everybody good?" Natasha asked.

"I am clearly injured." Melina stated. (Y/N) also just pointed to the absolute flood of blood that had stained his cheek.

"Do I look good to you? Don't answer that." (Y/N) hummed as he spotted Yelena about to make a comment. Natasha looked over her friend, knowing he could've left at any point.

"Thank you. For sticking around." She thanked, a small smile on her face.

"Well, you did all seem in dire need of my help." (Y/N) shrugged, making Nat chuckle. (Y/N)'s own amusement was cut off as he turned around, the sound of engines approaching putting him on alert.

"You called Ross..." He mumbled, taking a step away from the group as he looked at the distant cars.

"So, what's our plan?" Melina asked. Natasha paused, glancing from the cars to the other three of her 'family'.

"You guys go. I'll stay." She said. (Y/N) immediately turned around, making Natasha look to him.

"Are you insane?" He asked.

"We fight with you." Alexei said.

"I'll hold them off." Natasha shook her head. The other three immediately began refusing, thinking it was stupid for Natasha to stay. (Y/N) pushed Natasha towards them, confusing her.

"What are you doing?" She questioned. The others looked over to him, too, also curious to his plan.

"In about two weeks I'm raiding the Raft with Steve. You're gonna go with them and you're gonna join us later." (Y/N) stated with a careless tone.

"No, if you're staying, I'm staying." Natasha refused. (Y/N) just shook his head.

"Nuh uh. Get your ass over there." He motioned to the others. Natasha planted herself, still not moving. "Natasha, I will just put you in a trance and force you to go."

Natasha paused, exhaling as she still didn't want to leave. (Y/N) nodded to Alexei and Melina, making Melina step forward and place a hand on Nat's shoulder.

"It's the smartest option." He added. An engine whirring from the skies distracted them all. One of the Red Room ships landed down nearby, the freed widows stepping out and approaching.

Yelena moved towards them in surprise. "You came back for us." She said, looking between them.

"Мы бы не оставили тебя позади." The woman at the front said, smiling at her. A couple widows went to check on Antonia. Natasha whispered another thank you to (Y/N) as Melina and guided her away with Alexei, the three moving towards the ship.

Everyone began to filter on and the engines started up. But Yelena paused at the doors as the others waited for her. She looked over her shoulder before turning and jogging back towards (Y/N).

"Hey." (Y/N) tilted his head at her. She ran up to him, placing her hands on his shoulders and standing up on her toes. She gently pressed her lips against his, genuinely catching him off guard.

(Y/N) took a second to actually register the moment, but once he did he didn't shy away from lightly holding her jaw and kissing her back.

After a few moments, Yelena backed away, watching him with happy eyes. "Call it a parting gift. In case I don't get to see you again." She looked at the flustered expression on his face with a smirk.

"Don't be afraid to steal my number from Natasha." (Y/N) mumbled, half joking, half serious. It was going to be depressing if he didn't run into her again.

"I'll get it out of her." Yelena chuckled playfully before the two hugged a goodbye. She turned around, running back to the ship as Ross' legion of cars approached.

(Y/N) watched from a distance, seeing the other occupants of the ship teasing the blonde. Damn he was glad nobody else except them had seen that. Natasha waved to him as the door slowly shut and the aircraft lifted into the air. It shot off into the distance, leaving (Y/N) to glance over at the cars driving into the grass and approaching him.

He slowly walked towards the vehicles, a flash of colour in his eyes as he saw Ross in the passenger seat of one.

"À la vie, à la mort." He repeated.

Times were changing. The world was broken. But he would survive. He would always survive.

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