"Your Noda?"

"Yea. My Noda. It's a pretty little city in Japan," Chester said. Mike pressed his face into Chester's neck. He was so sweet.

"You looked that up?"

"Yea. After you said you were Japanese. I just thought maybe....maybe you'd like it," he said. Mike smiled and hugged him tighter.

"I love it."

Chester smiled and closed his eyes, "If I have a nightmare tonight....don't leave me."

"I won't," Mike said, "Just get some sleep. I'll hold you all night."

"Thank you."

Mike nodded and then closed his eyes. It was really late now but they could sleep in since they wouldn't be going to school tomorrow. His mom would always leave before he got up so she wouldn't know. He smiled slightly. Tomorrow would be better than today.

He blinked his eyes open to see Chester snuggled up against his chest with a blanket pulled up to his chin. Mike slowly moved out from underneath the other boy and gently laid his head down on the pillow. He went into the kitchen and made them some cereal and glasses of orange juice. When he got back to his room, Chester was still sleeping. He looked adorable.

"Come on baby, time to get up," he said softly as he gave Chester a light shake. Chester yawned and stretched but got up and smiled.

"You made breakfast?"

"Yep. Come on. Let's eat."

Mike gave Chester his bowl and then sat down next to him. Chester was keeping quieter. Mike knew that Chester was probably still in shock from what had happened the night before.

"Are you going to be ok?" Mike asked as he put his arm around Chester. Chester sighed and then nodded slightly.

"I'm with you aren't I? I'm always ok when I'm with you," Chester whispered. Mike couldn't help it, he started laughing. Chester gave him a confused look.

"You're so sappy sometimes Chazzy-Baby," he said with another smile. Chester laughed softly.

"Sorry, I'll be less sappy Michael," he said.

"Oh god, don't say that," Mike said giving Chester a kiss, "Or I'll make you shut up."

"Oh really? Will you Michael?" Chester asked with a smile. Mike leaned over and kissed Chester again. Chester reached his hand up to his face and deepened their kiss. Mike let his hand travel to Chester's waist and then under Chester's shirt.

"We shouldn't you know? You're still in pain," Mike whispered as he leaned his forehead against Chester's. Chester glanced up at him and Mike stared into those beautiful brown eyes of his boyfriend.

"I'm ok. I want to do it. Let's go," Chester said softly, "I'm really not in that much pain."

Even as he said that, Chester winced as he shifted next to him. He was lying. Mike smiled slightly and then kissed him again.

"You are. Give it a little time. It'll feel better later on and then we can have some fun ok?"

Chester nodded but then kissed him again. Mike kissed him back and then felt Chester's tongue gently pushing against his mouth. He opened his mouth and let Chester in. He moaned softly as the other boy's tongue roamed his mouth. He pulled away slowly and then they were together again.

"I fucking love you," Chester whispered as their lips met again. Mike brought his hands to Chester's face and stroked the hair around his ear. He pulled Chester on top of him so the other boy was straddling his hips. Chester kissed him again and then pulled away panting. Mike pulled Chester back to his lips and continued to stroke through his hair. The other boy's hands pawed at his chest. Chester's soft moans broke the quiet in the room.

"Mmmm, Mikey," Chester moaned as they kissed again and Chester rocked up and back on his hips. Mike moaned softly and pressed his lips to Chester's again. Their tongues tangled again and then he finally pulled away.

"Alright baby, that's enough," he said softly. Chester sighed and then slowly got up from the bed.

"Can I shower?" he asked and Mike nodded.

"Go ahead."

After Chester left, Mike fixed the bed up and then took their breakfast down to the kitchen. He sat down on the couch and sighed. How could someone do that to Chester? And that someone being his father? That was so awful. He couldn't believe that Chester had come to his house in pure shock last night asking for help. It was the worst night of his life. He heard the stairs creak and then Chester was standing there. He was wearing tight jeans and no shirt.

"Look, it doesn't even look that bad," Chester said with a small smile. Mike nodded. Chester did look better. The cut wasn't as bad as it had looked last night.

"You want to watch a movie?" Mike asked and Chester smiled.

"Sure! What can we watch?" Chester asked as he bounced next to Mike. Mike smiled at the other boy and then nodded at the shelf.

"Go ahead and pick one," he said. Chester crawled across the floor where the shelf was and started digging through the movies. Mike closed his eyes until Chester called him.

"What about this one?" he called. Mike looked over at him and saw Chester holding up Indiana Jones.

"Yea sure that's great. Put it in. Have you ever seen it?" he asked. Chester shook his head.

"I've heard about and stuff but I never watched it."

"Well come on then," Mike said as he held out his arms. Chester grinned and leaped into his arms. Immediately, Mike felt the heat Chester had in his body radiating from him. Chester moved next to him and they sat in each other's arms while they watched the movie. About two hours later, they were still sitting there and Chester was yawning. He was probably exhausted still.

"If you want to sleep, go ahead," Mike whispered. Chester shook his head slightly and kissed Mike softly.

"I'm ok."

"You look exhausted my little angel, you need some sleep," Mike replied. Chester snickered quietly. Mike laid down on the couch and brought Chester with him.

"Come on, go to sleep. I'll stay with you the whole time," Mike said. Chester smiled slightly and then nodded.

"Ok. But then we have fun."

"Yes," Mike agreed. Chester grinned and then kissed him softly. Mike smiled and stroked his hands through Chester's hair. Soon, Chester's chest was rising and falling evenly against his own. He was so beautiful. So perfect. He let his eyes fall shut and found himself drifting off.

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