Women can be so weird sometimes. Damn.

Maybe she thought you and Jessica were still a thing?

That could be true. Especially considering her reaction.

But why would she jump to conclusions like that?

Maybe because you didn't tell her you were no longer in a relationship?

She didn't even give me a chance to explain myself!

Suh it set more while.

If yuh did want to, yuh would a make shi hear yuh out. Yuh know she weak to yuh already...

It doesn't matter what she thinks anymore anyways. She already made her decision.

And that decision wasn't to stay with me.

A heavy sigh escapes my lips at the thought, as I make my way upstairs.

It's not like I expected her to up and leave her boyfriend and choose me because we had one night together. Sex isn't all after all.

But I must admit, I expected her to.

The fuck yah seh bredda?

Yuh good?

Wrapping the towel around my waist, I pull the silky shorts down and free myself from its tight material which sticks to my body like a second skin.

Within seconds, I'm dressed in a clean, dry pair of cut-off foot jeans and a crisp white T.

Pulling my hair into a easy topbun, I spritz my neck with some of my favorite cologne.

Amanda seems to like it. I notice how she reacts whenever I wear it and I'm around her.

She's so fucking adorable, it's annoying.

I wonder what she's up to now?

Despite myself, I can't seem to stop thinking about her.

Apart from the unbearable heat, just to get her off my mind and out of my system was the main reason why I'd gone for a swim earlier. And after almost half of an hour later, I still can't get her out of my head.

It wasn't so bad earlier on, after I'd gotten home and settled in. I'd managed to sign off on some purchase orders, both for the club and the company, answer some emails, touch base with some prospective partners about some new businesses, and catch up with my mother for a bit without any distractions.

Thank God.

But as soon as it touched around two o'clock, all things went downhill and I was back to being plagued with thoughts of...her.

She's like a living ghost to hell. Coming in and out of my freaking mind uninvited.

Cho rasshole.

This nuh look good at all.

If mi did know seh a suh things did a go set up, mi would a low people gyal pickney alone.

Now I can't even stop her from running through my mind, causing friggin' havoc.

If I wanted to live in constant torment, I would've joined Lodge.

Good pussy worse than obeah to bloodclaat!

And the worse part about that statement is that it's not even my pussy to claim.

Not when she's out there giving it away freely to that fucking wasteman she calls a boyfriend.

And what did she call me?

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