22 - A History Lesson

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"I don't know," she answered, "I just do."

He was looking at her with such sad eyes, complete defeat and surrender reflected in that somber expression, and so she quickly tried to think of a way of how to make him see the good things.

"Since you married Tamiko, I assume she was your first true love? Like that feeling when you can't even fall asleep without wondering what she is doing and waking up with the thought of her again?"

"Yes," he whispered and his eyes were immediately watering.

"But that is a good thing!"


"Wasn't it a nice feeling back then?"

"Well, yes, but--"

"No but. Remember that. How it made you feel and how amazing that feeling was and be happy you got a chance to experience it."


"Did she make you laugh?"

"Yes, b---"

"Was it that kind of laughter when you end up rolling on the floor, your belly muscles aching  and can't catch a breath?"

He paused for a moment, chuckling as he recalled something, and nodded, "yeah..."

"Did she cheat on you with anyone?"


"Were you ever worried she would?"

"Not really, no," he answered thoughtfully, "I was just a bit jealous because she was so beautiful and everyone was staring at her, but she would have never cheated on me."

"And was it a nice feeling? Looking into the eyes of the person you love and knowing they are all yours? That they are faithful to the love you share?"

"Well, of course, b---"

"So focus on that. Remember that. Be glad you got a chance to experience such wonderful things."


"Nevermind how it ended. The good memories are still there and---"

"Sophie!" he interrupted her, removing her hand from his shoulders, "my case is completely different than yours. The way we ended tainted every single good thing we did together. Every single memory."

"That can't be, Yuzu. Just try to---"


He said it so sternly and coldly that she only sighed and did not try to convince him anymore. At that moment her phone buzzed and she took it out from the pocket of her hoodie, reading the text message.

"Everything alright?" he questioned, "any news about your mother?"

"No," she smiled, "it's just Lewis. Wishing me belated Merry Christmas."

"Oh," he let out, "you in touch often?"

"Well, we went for a coffee last week. I needed some more excuses to be away in the last few afternoons so that Aki can get used to his new au pair and that I can test him as well."

"And did you enjoy it?" he asked carefully, "The coffee with Lewis."

"Yeah, I did," she answered absentmindedly while staring at the phone and typing a reply, "we are planning to meet up again after New Year."

He didn't say anything more while she was typing and when done, she looked up back at him, wondering what his uncomfortable expression is supposed to mean.

"Are you jealous that you won't be my only friend in the whole country of Canada?" she laughed and poked his sides, but he didn't react, "You know, you actually make up for ten people with your multiple personality disorder, so I would say Lewis would be my eleventh friend."

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