"We're ready to go!" Herod announced loudly as he strolled past Asher; he made a mental note to remember he was a loud one. The group walked out of the Yawning portal and stood on the street.

"So where exactly are we heading?" Riu asked politely. He smiled,

"We're heading to the Skewered dragon, or at least the area near there; that's where Volo said he saw Floon Last."

"Oh, that's between Net Street and Fillet Lane on the dock wards," Herod chimed in; Adleth nodded in agreement.

"Then let's go-" Riu turned on her heel, almost expecting the party to follow her; almost instantly, Adleth raised an objection.

"We probably want to survey the area around the Skewered dragon first, knowing that the place was dealing with a few gang members hanging around," Adleth told the group.

"Yeah, we can do that," Asher replied.

"But wait, wouldn't it be a better idea to go straight in? If we survey, we waste valuable time!" Riu objected.

"Look, it's either a waste of time or get ourselves skewered," Adleth remarked sternly. "And if that's how you're going out, Noble, by all means."

"We could always just kick down the door!" Markos chimed from the crowd.

"Nope." Asher affirmed, "Let's survey the area, ask around. Then maybe we can go in." He led the party towards the dock wards; as they traversed the streets of Waterdeep, he couldn't help but think about the issues of this town, gangs, and nefarious plots. These were things he would have to look out for. If he wanted his payday.

"Do you think this is a good idea, Asher?" He turned to see Markos walking by him; sometimes, he forgot how short the half-elf was. And clearly, by his language, he was having a wonderful mental moment.

"Somewhat; I mean, the guy was promising a lot of gold." He looked slyly at Markos, who caught the message and started to grin; how with a mask on? He didn't care to ask.

"So what do you think happened to him?" Markos asked as he aimlessly stared off around him

"Probably pissed off the wrong people and got grabbed. It doesn't matter as long as we find what's left of him." Asher looked into the near-empty streets; the sun had yet to come up, leaving the group mainly in the dark. But he knew his way through the darkness; the Marrow had taught him that.

"So! Headed to another tavern; I hope they have vodka," Alekzandr said as he struggled to catch up to Markos and Asher leading the way.

"Probably, Alekzandr.. it is a common drink," Asher replied.

"I bet it'll taste fantastic, Alekzandr!" Markos remarked. Asher's head turned with sudden speed as he snapped his eyes over to Markos. Did Markos just call Alekzandr by his name? Did that single conversation last night really get Markos comfortable enough to treat Alekzandr with respect..? What on Toril did he do?

The party walked down numerous streets, turning around several times as they tried to find their way toward Net Street. He turned on Snail Street and passed by Trollcrook Alley.

"Did you fight in the war?" Asher finally asked, staring forward, and he knew the answer.

"You.. know of the war?" he turned to see Alekzandr's face as a look of surprise danced across it. Asher grew a heavy expression.

"Yeah, of course I do; hell, everyone in that area knew it was going down; the Rushiki paid me a lot to fight for them." He replied; he stared at his hands momentarily, thinking of what he had done.

"Incredible; I never thought I'd find another who fought in it for years." Alekzandr looked at his rifle. "Who did you serve with?" Asher snorted a little bit.

"I served with Dmitry Vikirir; he was my general." He smiled a little bit, thinking about his old friends. "He died at the battle of thirty Hade, the last push of the Ercelans." Alekzandr took on a distant look.

"I'm sorry, I had already left the war at that point." Asher studied Alekzandr's face as he heard the tone of bitterness take over. "I couldn't fight for those bastards anymore.." Alekzandr said solely. He wanted to ask why, but something.. Burned in him, almost like he didn't care. He knew all these answers, and yet. Wanted to ask anyway.

"I barely got out with my life; trust me, neither of us has any love for that war," Asher responded. Turning to his left, he could tell Markos was paying close attention.

"The war was cruel, stupid if the Ercelans had only listened-"Alekzandr was cut off.

"We're here," Adleth announced. Asher looked up and saw the street sign. Filet lane.

"There it is." Herod pointed into a corner of the street; on their left was a large tavern. "The Skewered Dragon." 

The Keepers of Chaos: A Vault of HellWhere stories live. Discover now