He stormed out of the house, shoving the screen door so hard it didn't even have time to squeak. Marley stood there for a moment, her eyes closed as she breathed, trying to bring her heart rate down as low as her sinking stomach was. How could she have been so stupid? It had never even dawned on her that what she was trying to help happen was throwing Sam in a cage and locking him away from Dean forever. She was a massive idiot.

The sound of clapping caused her to open her eyes and land on the demon in a business suit. "That was just top form, Oscar worthy stuff really."

"Just shut up." Marley whispered, she was absolutely drained, but her tone still held an edge to it as she glared at the demon.

Crowley rolled his eyes, but he still complied. "Let me know when you're done with your little lovers spat and are ready to go kill Death."

He disappeared and Marley felt her tense muscles relax a little. At least that was one less problem to deal with currently. She sucked in a breath through her nose before exhaling it out her mouth. Yeah that blowout had gone just about as swell as she was hoping.

"I'm gonna go talk to Dean." Sam spoke quietly from his spot by the counters behind her.

When Marley didn't respond, Bobby simply nodded at him. "We'll start loading up the van to take down Niveus. Come on Marley."

Marley followed behind him, helping load crates of weapons and ammo into the van. She was somewhat conscious of Bobby talking to her, but she wasn't really listening. It was like her ears were clogged with cotton, and she didn't care enough to clean them, so she just kept loading stuff into the car.

"Kid." Bobby huffed, stepping in front of the open side of the van, preventing Marley from putting the black duffel she was holding into the back. "Marley could you just listen to me for one minute?"

"What?" Marley sighed, looking up at him. "What is there possibly left to say?"

"Sam and I are going to Niveus, you and Dean are gonna go after Death." She opened her mouth to protest, but he sent her a look and kept talking. "You need to talk to him."

"Yeah, and I will, but I don't need to spend 8 hours in a car with him judging me for making a choice."

"Marley, I'm old, trust me when I tell you to go with him."

She glared at him, but finally rolled her eyes once she realized that he wasn't moving until she relented. So she mumbled a "fine" and then threw the duffle into the back of the van before turning on her heel and heading towards where the Impala was parked.

"Hey!" She turned around to look at him and saw a rare smile on his face. "Thanks for the legs, kid."

She had only made it all of four steps before he had called after her, so it wasn't that hard to close the distance between them. Her arms wrapped around him and he immediately pulled her against him as well.

"Thanks for everything Bobby." Marley whispered, not trusting her voice to speak any louder.

"You did good kid, you did good."

The amount of emotion in his voice was clear without her even seeing his face. It was for that reason that she stayed in the hug just a moment longer. In all the months she had known Bobby, the most emotional thing between them had been their shared care for the boys. But she was gonna miss the old man, and she just couldn't leave it on a bad note with him. And although she didn't know it, he had begun to consider her as an adopted member of their weird little family. Finally she pulled away and smiled at him, walking backwards, and right before she spun around she sent him a two-fingered salute. Her last look at Bobby was him rolling his eyes at her.

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