"It looks good." Tekei commented as they looked at Takade's watch.

"How much?"

"$355 plus tax in cash only."

"..the fuck price is that!?" Takade asked.

"Sorry sir, it's an Army Brand...they are expensive because of their design being handmade-"

"Forget it I don't want it." Takade said taking it off.

"Hey you sure?" Kai asked him.

"Who the hell carries that much pocket money." Takade complained glaring.

The shop keeper took the watch but before he could leave, money was handed to him.

The shop keeper smiled taking the money and walking to the cashier with Katsuki.

Takade, Kai and Tekei all stare at the trade off.

"I need that mans pocket money." Tekei comments laughing.

Katsuki just paid for the watch then looked at Takade.

"You gonna fucking take it or just keep staring?"

"It's for me? You didn't have to do that." Takade said hesitant.

"Who else is it for?" Katsuki said shoving the box the watch was in into Takade's hands.

"Let's go the girls are waiting for us." Katsuki said before walking out with the other two boys.

Takade looked down at the box.


"Hey we're back!" Kai yelled walking into the house.

Hiro and ______ smiled wide seeing them.

______ hugged Katsuki tightly as he smiled kissing her cheek.

"How did it go?" She whispered asking him.

"Good." He said patting her back before she pulled away smiling over at Tekei and Takade.

"See you got yourself a new watch." Hiro said smiling at Takade.

Takade looked over at Katsuki. "I'll pay you back"

"No need, aye is the food ready I'm starving?" Katsuki asked looking at ______ who nods.

"You're going to love it" she said smiling taking his hand and walking to the dining room.

The rest of them follow before everyone washed up and sat down staring at the feast infront of them.

"YOU GUYS MADE ALL THIS!?" Kai yelled impressed with all the food.

"Hell ya! Aunt Hiro did majority of the work though." _____ said.

"Nonsense! You helped too" Hiro smiled. "Alright now dig in!"

They began eating while Kai talked all throughout the evening.

It was actually an enjoyable meal, everyone smiled talked, none of the boys stayed quiet all drinking together.

______ smiled loving what she was seeing. It was truly everything to her.

When it got around 9pm Kai and Tekei took over the TV with Hiro.
Takade helped ______ and Katsuki clean up the table.

Takade looked over at her. "So, are you guys going on a honeymoon?"

Katsuki looked over at them as she answered.

"We were thinking about it for a while but it won't be for too long, Katsuki has his Agency to look after and we can't leave a mission on pause." _____ explained.

"..Hero work keeps you two busy doesn't it? How the hell do you even live." Takade asked.

She smiled at him. "Depends on the mission. If we weren't facing a huge threat then we might have had a longer honeymoon. Anyway I don't really see the point in having a long one."

"It's just 3 days, don't forget you got your own scheme with Hawks once you get back." Katsuki said looking at her.

"Yaaa I know, it's the first time I'll go back in battle with those Villains again."

"With Hawks. I'm putting you in his fucking care so you better not get hurt."

"Thanks mom"

Takade watched the two talk, he turned away for a moment before turning back and asking.

"What about kids? Are you not planning on having kids soon? That's the whole point of your honeymoon. You can't possibly go back to work and fight if you're pregnant." Takade said looking at them then to ______.

Katsuki and ______ stared at him. Both blinking a single time.

Her face turned pink as she looked away.

Katsuki looked at her seeing her head turned the other way.

Takade realized they haven't really talked much about kids just from watching how they reacted. He smiled.

"Geez what's with this topic.." she said before sighing. "We'll have them when we're ready" she told him.

Katsuki looked at her again. "Are we not ready?"

Her eyes met his and she hesitated.

"I mean..I don't know, I thought because with all your work going on and with this mission we won't have time to be home or for..I mean do you think we're ready?" She asked changing the topic off from her.

Katsuki blushed getting asked that and scoffed looking away.

"Of course we are!"

"Well whenever you two decide it, I'm sure you'll both be great parents." Takade said smiling softly.

They nods softly before watching him walk to the living room.

Katsuki looks at her while she looks at him.


"You do want kids right?" He asks.

"What? Of course I do. I just don't know when the right time is..." she tells him.

He smiled softly before setting down the towel he was drying the dishes with and just went to hug her.

"Whenever you're ready. That's the right time." Katsuki replied kissing her head as she hugged him back smiling.

They then joined her family to watch a movie of Kai's choice.

All of them spending the night together, eagerly awaiting the wedding that was coming up very soon.

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