"You don't gotta lie, 'cuz ya Momma already told us." said Buck as I walked through the door. "Really Momma?" I asked, shaking my head, getting a plate from the cabinet. "Yeah, you know she can't hold hot water." said Mikey laughing. "They asked and I told them, that's not holding hot water." Ma said before walking into the living room.

"We only went on one date, and his name is Anthony." I said, rolling my eyes. "Well as long as Black Falcon knows that he gotta ask us to date you before he asks you out again." Mikey said walking out of the kitchen.

What the hell? What kinda sense does that make? I thought as I finished fixing my plate. Once I was done I walked into the living room where everybody else was watching the game. "Everybody Djay's calling." Amari said. "Put him on speaker and let me talk to my grandbaby." Grans said.

"Hey babe, you on speaker, everybody's here." She said answering the phone. "Hey, djay." We all said. "Hey, y'all." Djay spoke.
After dinner Layah and I cleaned the kitchen, just to get some time ourselves because we literally have spent no time together alone. "Chris asked me on a date." Alayah said out of nowhere. I stopped putting the dishes away and turned to her. "Alayah Lane Y/L/N. How long have you known this? What did you say?" I bombard her with questions.

"Woah, slow down. He asked me the other night on the phone after I finished with y'all hair." She said, jumping her shoulders. She's acting like this is not a big deal. One of the hottest men in Hollywood has asked her on a date. A man she's has had a crush on since for fucking ever.

"Alayah you acting like this ain't a big deal." I said finishing putting everything away then closing the cabinet. "I think it hasn't fully set in yet." She said smiling. "Where are y'all going?" I asked drying my hands. "I think he's taking me to Eightytwo." She said drying her hands as well. "That's like one of your favorite spots." I said smiling. "I know." Alayah said blushing.

That's so cute. "I'm so happy for you." I said. "Thank you, I'll call you when I get ready to pick out the outfit." She said. "When are y'all going?" I asked, leaning against the counter. "When we're back in L.A." said Layah smiling. "Umm, where is Kai going to be?" I asked.

"I'll have Miriam to watch him. Don't worry sis I have it all planned out." Layah said as we both walked back out to the living room. Joining everybody once again. I sat down by Ma, putting my head on her shoulder and Layah did the same.

"Y'all good?" Ma asked, looking between the both of us. "Yea." Layah said. "Yes, couldn't be better." I said focusing on the game. "Okay, just making sure." She said focusing her attention back on the game.

I'm so happy for Alayah. She's liked Chris for the longest and now she's getting her chance to be with him. I can't wait to go home so we can talk about it later, while everybody else is sleeping.


I woke up this morning and did a quick workout and my daily run.  Once I was done I came home and had a shower, then I drove to Mom's to watch the game and for dinner. I've been over here for about two hours now. We had already eaten and the game is over. 

After I had finished helping with the kitchen, I joined everybody back in the living room. We talked until it was time for me to head home to pack for my flight tomorrow morning. Once I had left I stop to see the boys then I head home.

Once I made it home went upstairs to start packing. It didn't take me long, mostly because I had already packed some stuff before I had left. After I was done, I grabbed basketball shots and a T-shirt from the dresser and took a shower.

Once I was done in the shower, I turned the water off stepping out and wrapping the towel around my waist.  Standing at the sink I turned on the water grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste, I started brushing my teeth. Once I was done I rinsed out my mouth then turned off the water.

I walked out of the bathroom putting the towel in the hamper as I walked by. I took my boxers from the bed and put them on, then the basketball shorts.  Once I was done I got in bed turning the tv.  Leaving on what's playing, I put my phone on the charger and unlocked it.

I scrolled through Twitter and  Instagram. Liking tweets and posts here and there, until I got a message from Chris in the group chat. Swiping up to log of the app I went to iMessage and opened what he sent.


I finally asked Alayah out


About time


Right. They've been talking for what a month now


Don't y'all come for me. 'cuz if I can recall you'll both need my help with asking out your girls😂


Where are you taking her😂


Probabkly some cheeses ass art museum 😂😂


WTF not a art muesum😂😂


Man fuck y'all. Btw I'm  taking her to 82😂


You would have done better taking her to the art museum 😂


Taking her to her favorite spot. Good luck man

I pressed the sleep/wake button then put the phone the night stand.  I turned over on my side facing the window with my back towards the bathroom door.  I still haven't thought about where I want to take Y/N on our second date. I can't keep taking her out to eat.  I know she's not a picky person and she would go anywhere but I want it be somewhere she's going to like. And asking her is out the picture 'cuz she just gong to say I don't know.

I'll think about on the flight tomorrow right now I just want to go to sleep.

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