Hurricane of 1938, Connecticut

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(A/N, Please excuse the fact that other states were hit as well, I needed something for Connecticut, and this was the best I could find. My dearest apologizes if any of you found or know of something more Connecticut centric i could've used. Also, New Jersey like to swear- It's all slightly bleeped out though. I would also like you to please note that the reactions are the best I could do.)

Third Person POV

September 9, 1938

     "Screw Europe and their stupid wars!"

     The voice range down the halls startling Alfred from his work. It sounded particularly Texan. Figures. He's got a bad habit of being wrong about important things. Such as the fact the currently there are no wars in Europe. 

     That Alfred his aware of at least.

     None the less, he had just shouted out something about war and something about Europe. In the same sentence. Alfred had better go calm down the children that heard him before things get crazy. Sighing, Alfred stood up, pushing his chair backwards and causing a god awful screech as he did.

     Of course he winced at this. Who wouldn't when they were exhausted from work and metal chair legs just scraped on wooden floor? Madmen maybe.

     He trudged himself over to the door that leads to the hallway. He sighed once more preparing himself for anything and everything his kids might do or already be doing. Grabbing the doorknob, he quickly swung it open. Oh that was a terrible creak. He needs to oil the hinges apparently.

     There is a small possibility that he made it exactly 3 feet out the door before a small child attached their body to him crying.

     The personification of the Virgin Islands was clinging onto his left leg. Her three year old body was sobbing hysterically, eyes short tight, and short auburn hair a literal mess. Of cousre, Alfred is to nice to his children. he'd never admit this annoying, even to his eldest kids who would gladly tell them their thoughts on it.

     "Calm down baby girl, you're fine. there isn't a war going on," He said softly leaning down to pick her up. She sniffled, looking at him with teary eyes before burying her head in his shoulder. Alfred resumed his original plan, now with an extra, to confront Texas.

     He found the little trouble maker scaring a few of his younger siblings, Arizona, Colorado, and Montana. The three looked about ready to start crying themselves. He also caught a glimpse of Connecticut and New Jersey smiling devilishly in the background. Well, now he knows who all to scold.

     Miraculous how very few heard what the child had said.

     "Texas Austin Jones what do you think you're doing?" The child stopped dead, the three in front of him getting up and scurrying away. The look upon the older children's face was one of 'Oh Sh*t', but Alfred would deal with them later.

     "Well?" Alfred raised an eyebrow.

     "I was.. playing with them?" Texas tried. He turned around and his eyes fell upon Virgin Islands, and he almost immediately ran to his father and sister.

     "Woah, woah, I didn't mean to spook you Virgie! I swear it was just a joke!" Texas started worrying over the child. Alfred's eyebrows raised more. (If The Rock existed back then, New Jersey would've compared it to his eye raise.)

     "What made you think it was okay to joke about war? Especially after the last one?" Alfred questioned. Texas looked back to his older siblings,Alfred's gazing following. The two seemed to be giving Texas a look that said, 'Don't give us away stupid!' Texas seemed to realize his mistake to late and quickly turned back to his father, "I-I don't know! I j-just thought.."

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