Flood of 1927, Arkansas

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Third Person POV

April 15, 1927

     "Well, I'll be d*mned.." Alfred stood with some of his southern states in his daughter, Mississippi's, territory. She told him she was feeling kinda under the weather, almost like a mild cold. She had no idea what was going on, and even less of an idea on how it'd affect her siblings. It wasn't until she'd gone and coughed up pure water that Alfred had to take a good look into it.

     The last thing he had expected to see was the river flooded. And the rapid rate it was rising. None of his kids had come up to him besides Mississippi, but she'd had symptoms of her issue. However, this didn't mean Alfred was gonna only be concerned for her. There were other states that the river ran through, and other states that were close to it. He need all his kids to be ready in some way, just in case they came down with side effects of it.

     "Dad? I reckon we get a little higher up. That stuff ain't slowin' down, an' I don't plan on bein' taken by the rapids," one of the children standing with him, Texas, said. He was pointing out away from the river.

     "Yeah.. yeah good idea buddy. Alright y'all, get moving!" Alfred called after being snapped out of his trance. He hadn't seen waters rising this fast in as long as he can remember, and it kinda mesmerized him, the water's speed. The kids that were with him, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, and Alabama all did as told, Texas leading them. Alfred soon followed suit after a few more heartbeats. 

     As he rejoined his kids, he heard Alabama speaking, "'Sippi, I really think ya should lay down. You're gonna need ta if this get to bad ya know."

     "I know, thanks for the concern 'Bama, I'll make sure I'm in bed when we get home," she replied to her younger sister. Alabama smiled at her mischievously, knowing full well Mississippi wouldn't lay down until their father got involved.

     "Whatever helps you sleep at night sis."

April 17, 1927

     Alfred was sitting in his office looking over some letter Ludwig had sent him. They were about some topic they'd already covered ages ago. Something about the European countries. He wasn't entirely sure why Ludwig was telling him, but it might've been mentioned during a meeting or something.

     Alfred was completely and utterly board. He'd dealt with his states, having made sure there was someone watching Mississippi at all times so she didn't try and get outta bed, he'd put all the other states in possible danger of the now flood classed problem with at least one sibling, and York and Jersey were on cooking duty, so he had absolutely nothing to do but reread the letter.

     Alfred did consider doing more paperwork, but his hand was still sore from the last few hours, and he didn't want to strain it. Not that it was entirely possible he could, but Nevada had managed to do it for some project he'd been working on with Cali, so Alfred didn't feel like risking it. Then, as though an angel had answered his prayers, but the devil had decided to pay a visit, Minnesota came in.

     "Min? What're you doing without Arkansas? I told you to stay with him," Alfred said, looking up from the paper.

     "Ark needs you. He's having issues breathing, and I don't really know how to help," the state looked down seemingly in shame, "sorry dad.."

     Alfred immediately stood up when he heard this, "You're fine Minne, you're not in trouble. Also why didn't you barge in?! If Ark is having trouble breathing, you gotta get me as fast as stately possible!" He then proceeded to walk past his son who quickly followed.

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