1906 San Francisco Earthquake, California

206 4 6

Third person POV

April 18, 1906

     All those who choose to step in Alfred's house would surly never be the same. At least, right now anyway. 45 of his kids were having a crisis. California wasn't home. Now, normally they wouldn't care to much, seeing as he had a way with getting to the lake without permission, but not today.

     Alfred had woken up that morning at 5:00 AM to see his daughter, D.C., looking over him with an annoyed looked. The moment he was awake enough to have the sense of a normal adult, he was told California had left before he was even awake. Normally his son left after Alfred woke up, not before.

     This startled the nation a slight bit, but he didn't want to get all to worried. He knew his son was the type to do crazy sh*t without his permission. So, being the not so early bird he was, he just brushed it off and asked D.C. to send one of her siblings to get him.

     "But Father! Are you not worried even just a bit for Cali? This isn't normal behavior, even for him," the capital pleaded. Alfred sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He was way to tired to be thinking this hard this early. His kids knew it takes him a good thirty minutes to become fully awake in the mornings, he'd figured California would have some sense as to wait- oh. Oh no.

     Alfred snapped it head ups to his eldest child as realization hit him, startling her in the process, "Columbia, send Delaware and  Massachusetts down to that pond. Right now."

     Even in her annoyed and slightly worried state, D.C. was still confused as to her father's sudden outburst, "What? Is something wrong? I mean, besides him sneaking off so early?"

     "Just.. do it for me, please darlin'?"

     D.C. sighed, bringing her hands to her hips, "Okay, but I am going to require an explanation later, alright Father?"

     "Sure darlin', thank you," Alfred replied before swiftly getting up. D.C. left the room as he did so, going off to fetch her siblings as her father had asked. Alfred on the other hand, was scurrying about his small room trying to get his clothes on fast as nation-ly possible.

     It was just the night before that, his sunshine state had come to him. The poor boy looked sickly compared to earlier that day, and seemed awfully fidgety. Then it hit him. California wasn't at the pond.

     "Pops..? You awake?" a small voice called out. Alfred had just finished his work for the day, and was getting ready to start winding down. He turned to see a small, almost perfect replica of himself, only the child's eye's were more of a pale blue, and his skin was more tanned.

     "Yes Cali, what is wrong?" he asked. California was one of his more independent children, fending for himself instead asking his father for help. His self confidence outdid even Alfred.

     The young male looked down, "I don't feel so well pops. Oreo said it was a cold, but it doesn't feel like a cold."

     Alfred looked at his son confused for a second, work messed with his train of thought sometimes, before answering, "Well, you should know not to trust you younger siblings, they're no older than six, mentally or physically, they wouldn't be able to tell you what you've got. Come here, let me see."

     Alfred held a hand out to his son, the other pulling off the tie around his neck. California, walked over to his father, clutching his stomach painfully as he did. He watched as his father knelt down to eye level and examined him. His father held a hand up to his forehead, gently placing it near the center. 

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