2002 Hayman Fire, Colorado

158 3 5

Third Person POV

June 8, 2002

     "So tell me, why did the oh so great Amérique decide to ditch a meeting just across the Canadian border?" France's voice rang teasingly through the phone. Alfred sighed, currently, he was on a plane, and Francis could be so perfectly infuriating when the sounds of engines are mixed with his voice. It was sort of calming. Sort of.

     "Boss said something happened at one of my houses. Lord knows what, he didn't tell me nothing," he said. Francis was the one he called for two reasons. He was one of the only two of his brothers that he could hear properly through his phone, and he was the only that was will to give the time of day to hear Alfred out. 

     "Oui, oui, you said that already. But do you know why?" France pressed try to get an answer. At the same time, Alfred heard a voice yell something muffled on the other end. It sounded German.

     "What's Germany yelling about over there dude?" Alfred tried to change the subject. He heard Francis huff, "'e got mad at 'is brother for sneaking in again. I think 'es cursing 'im out, I don't know German."

     "That's rough buddy," Alfred replied.

     "Oui, it is. Sometimes they're worse than me and Angleterre. Which you'd claim to be impossible," the Frenchman sounded exasperated. Alfred gave a hum of agreement, as he didn't feel like getting into that kind of drama.

     Francis droned on, giving Alfred the details of the German fight as it slowly became Prussia running from Germany, who had apparently threatened to take away his beer stash. Apparently Prussia was currently being sacrificed to Germany by Russia in order to end the chaos. Alfred didn't quite believe it.

     After some time, he peered out the window to find he'd be landing soon. He didn't want to end this call, as it was becoming oddly intriguing, but he did need to assess the situation at home.

     Reluctantly, Alfred spoke up to interrupt Francis, "Hey, Frenchfry? I'm just about to land here in a moment, I'll talk to you later, 'k dude?"

     There was a pause for a second or two, then France's voice came through, "Alright, I will speak to you later Amérique. 'Ave a good day," Alfred smiled, Francis sounding somewhat formal was always nice to hear. Let him know that somethings never change.

     The called ended with a long mellow beep before the connection finally cut out. Alfred pocketed his phone and waited for the plane to touch down before grabbing his bags and getting off. He got off, along with the few other passengers, and seeing as he only had his one small bag, he left the airport. 

     With the airport being in a big city, he was able to grab a taxi to get him to the outskirts of town, he'd find his car whenever he went to Seattle again. Right now he was around 30 minutes out from Nashville, a few good states away so he wouldn't see it for awhile. (More like across the country but sure man.)

     He had a small house in between Murfreesboro and Smyrna, and it was currently housing five of his kids. Which is why he was ditching the meeting in the first place. He had to go to one of his lesser used houses, which had only five of his kids in it. And they're supposed to be going into Nashville during the day. It was their week of chill time, and they choose Tennessee. What on Earth could happen that's bad enough for Alfred to be called?

     A lot.

     Alfred walked into the house to find Oregon dashing across the living room with a soaking wet bath towel that's dripping water across the hardwood floor.

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