7. Conviction

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Beta Read by AProudMuslimah

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Beta Read by AProudMuslimah

The meeting ended on a sombre note as the group separated once again. This time with renewed determination at the possible lead.

When Umair returned home, Raihan had already taken his leave, having not replaced Umair's expensive kettle. In its' place, Umair found a stylized waist watch with an engraved metal lid and chain hanging from the side. The man had even left it in the kitchen. A small note was attached to it containing a message in Raihan's distinctive, elegant writing.

'I think this might be more helpful in keeping you on time and up to date than tea or coffee.

~With much love, Raihan.'

With a twitching brow, Umair balled it up into a tight crumple and tossed it in the bin. Then, he went out to buy himself a new, indestructible, if possible, kettle with 'off limits to unauthorised, break-in-ing free-loaders' engraved on it.

Yes, he was that bothered.

In lieu of the investigation, Umair took Sinan off his usual jobs and returned the half-competent underlings to continue with his 'long-term assignment' of profiling the killers. With the deadline of a month, he made them focus on interaction with nobility and any persons connected to Laith Academy.

Umair himself took out the closed black file the RAB had compiled and removed the weapons trace section from it to investigate further. The list contained the date of the transaction, item number and the date of the delivery. Unfortunately, only the item number being disclosed meant he didn't know what the weapons looked like.

Umair vaguely entertained the notion of placing a spy in the Academy, at the very least, the research facility in Teruel. But it was too risky should they be discovered. Moreover, the conjectures have yet to be proven or have any real leads – the consequence of getting caught putting a spy in would be too terrible.

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