3. Co-operation

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Beta Read by AProudMuslimah

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Beta Read by AProudMuslimah

Sinan sat at the lounge of the NPA meeting hall, idly flicking through the paperwork. He'd read through it twice already, yet the meeting had not ended. He vaguely played with the notion of reading through it a third time when the double doors opened letting a stream of police chiefs out.

Seeing his own chief, Sinan stood up. A glance at his face told him the meeting did not go well. He should have had a coffee ready. With triple sugar.

Umair bin Huayy Aslami walked out of the meeting with his jaws grinding so hard they could turn into powder. His shoulders were set and back straight as though a metal sheet was beneath his thobe. He briskly nodded at Sinan and continued towards the exit without stopping. Sinan smoothly slid behind him and after they reached their carriages, he slipped off to a small café of the side.

Umair sighed, finally loosening his shoulder after leaving the sight of people. The firmly pressed lips curled down into a fierce scowl. When Sinan returned with triple sugar coffee, he found the little chief glaring a hole into the opposite seat.

He wordlessly handed over the coffee and signalled for the coachman to set the carriage back to Sector 12 Police Headquarters. The ride was silent. Umair looked out towards to moving scenery while occasionally sipping at his coffee.

Sinan amused himself by predicting when the vein bulging at Umair's temple might burst.

Umair only spoke after they entered his personal office and sat at his work desk.

"The RAB called it an anomaly and closed the case."

The tone this sentence was spoken with truly did not convey the sheer frustration Umair felt. Sinan could see on his face how much he needed to vent, so remained silent while filing the paperwork Umair had gone through already.

The NPA, National Police Assembly, dealt with the less serious criminal and civil law within the sectors they govern. The RAB, Royal Administrative Burau was the organisation in charge of the more serious matters nationally. Anything like serial killing, assassination and security of foreign dignitaries all fell under the purview of RAB. The NPA was established by Sultan Ibrahim and funded by the government. 

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