4. Slumber

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Beta read by AProudMuslimah

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Beta read by AProudMuslimah.

Halfway through the month, a most strange incident was brought into the Chief Inspector's office. A number of people were admitted into the local hospital, the doctors could not figure out what was wrong with the patients. The victims were all asleep, however their bodily organs were functioning normally. The only thing noticeable was a very low but steady heartbeat. They simply did not wake up no matter what.

Umair was informed after tenth patient was brought in. He sent a team to the hospital immediately as well as dispatching officers to the patients' homes for investigation.

What he learnt from their report of the patients at the hospital confused him even more. He shuffled around his work and asked Sinan to accompany him.

"They look to be sleeping very peacefully," Sinan murmured. They were visiting each of the victims one by one, nothing seemed amiss at a glance.

After a round of visiting all the victims, they went into the office of the Chief Medical Officer, Dr Abdul Kareem Taimy.

"Shukran for taking your time out to come, Inspector," Dr Taimy gestured at the seats in front of him and slid forward a file containing the various tests performed upon the patients. He talked through them without prompt. "...although nothing appears to be problematic, that's precisely where the problem lies. Their hearts beats are low, and the recent tests show that its lowered even more. Though slightly."

"This means–"

"If we don't find a way to wake them up, they may end up losing their lives." Dr Taimy finished off grimly. "The reason I've asked Inspector to come in is to request help. What's causing their heartbeats to slow and keep them asleep, we cannot determine. We are still analysing the blood. If we could perhaps investigate their homes, we may discover something useful."

"Have you considered that a disease may be spreading?" Sinan asked.

Dr Abdul Kareem nodded. "All the more reason for us to investigate their homes. Their residences are rather far from each other, and their occupations and age ranges are too different, to have come across the same thing..."

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