Chapter 33 (Present)

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The last day of the week.
Rest day.

It is very serene. Birds chirping.
Leaves falling. The sound of the footsteps.

Sunoo just wanted to sleep in.
He really wants to after what happened yesterday.

But he has works and assignments he need to finish.

He gets up and goes to couch.

He noticed that Jay left early.

But there's a note and food.
"Bub, I'll go early cause I have something to do. I prepared your breakfast na pala. I'll just text you."

Sunoo realizes how lucky he is having Jay at his side.

Jay is one of the reasons why he's brimming with positivity.

He admits that when he's with Jay, He totally forgets Sunghoon.

But he isn't implying that he's using Jay to forget Sunghoon.

In the first place, He already made up his mind that he won't use Jay as a rebound material.

He won't lead on Jay and after he'll just leave.

He just can't take an advantage to him knowing he has a pure heart.

Sunoo texted Jay and thanked him for yesterday's fiasco and the food.

After eating and taking a bath.

He starts to work on his assignments.

After doing his assignments.

He goes to watch a movie.

"Mean girls" playing.

Today's rest day and he really wanna distracts his mind.

Sunoo then calls Jungwon and Niki.

He explain to them how coincidental it is.

Niki explained "Sunoo, that restobar last night, The owner of that is Sunghoon's friend.

Jungwon added "That explains why he's there. Probably he saw you."

"What should I do?" Sunoo asked.

"It depends on you Sunoo. I suggest both of you should have closure." Niki suggested.

After the call, Sunoo then lays at his bed and listens to music.

H.A.T.E.U - Mariah Carey

Once upon a time, we swore not to say goodbye
Something got a hold of us, and we changed
And then you sat alone in pride, and I sat at home and cried
How'd our fairytale just end up this way?

We went round for round 'til we knocked love out
We were laying in the ring, not making a sound
And if that's a metaphor of you and I
Why is it so hard to say goodbye?

Sunoo just teared up a bit.

Inside his heart.
He really wants Sunghoon to explain.

He wants to know his reasons.

Inside his mind.
He slightly regrets on not confronting Sunghoon.

They might even get back if he did that.

But for some reason.
A great part of him is thankful about what happened.

All of the pain has cease to exist.

Until now.


Morning came, Sunoo prepares himself to go to work.

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