Chapter 22 (POV)

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Jay's POV.

Jay's Pov

I started crushing on Sunoo when I saw him at the river.

To be honest he's really fucking cute but it's not about his looks.

I just love how he opens up his stories and his life to me.

Because that's what I'm afraid the most. Opening my life to people.

Maybe that was the reason why I started to like him.

It's because he's a person I'm wishing to be.

Hearing him opening up about Sunghoon.
I could tell that he really loves him.

How deeply attached Sunoo is to him.

I mean, they're like a 1 yr couple.

But damn and potang inang sunghoon cheated.

Does he know that his missing something valuable.

Do he realize that he's trying to find the gold when the gold is already there but now he found a bronze?

I mean, potang inang Sunghoon ghosted Sunoo for like a month.

Didn't even attended Sunoo's mothers funeral.

Only to find out he's cheating on Sunoo in the place where they confessed each other's love.

Like how could he?

Is he out of his mind.

I could never do that to Sunoo.

As soon as I took Sunoo in his apartment.
I decided to help Sunoo forget that bastard.

Morning came, I know his number because I got it from the interview. So I texted him but no reply.

I already got a hunch that he didn't eat yet. So I bought medicines and food for him.

As soon as the door open. My face couldn't comprehend of what I'm seeing.

Sunoo draped in a towel while water drips into his body.

Not gonna lie that looked hot. It made my cheeks go red.

But I turn sideways because I don't want him to feel uncomfortable.

So I stepped in to his place and sits in the couch while he's changing.

As I saw him. He looks so cute with an oversized shirt and short.

It made me wanna pinch his cheeks.

I gave him the food and medicine while he asked me for a coffee and I simply nodded.

As I am sipping my coffee while he's eating the "Bikol Express" he told me that I can eat it.

So I decided to tease him by saying "then feed me please."

Not expecting he would feed me while laughing. That made my heart skip a beat.

He's so precious.

Then after eating he apologizes of what happened yesterday. I just assured him that It's okay.

After the conversation I got home and slept.

Morning came, I took a bath and goes to a shop. I carefully picked helmet for him.

This one. The pick one suits him the most.
I bought it for him and then pedaled my way to his apartment.

He is now waiting outside of his apartment because I told him before I left that I'll take him.

He is so cute even when he's far.

So I smiled at him to tease him.

He even told me "Why did you bought this for me."

So I lied to him that it's my sisters helmet so that he would accept it.

then as we arrived at work. We started doing what Michelle instructed as to do.

We learn how the store works and standard procedures.

As soon as we got our break. Sunoo opens his bag and pulls out a sandwich.

I walks up to him and teased him.
"feed me please"

Expecting he would feed me but he just laughed at me and gave me his extra sandwich.

After the work. I decided to bring Sunoo into the lake. Lot of food stalls.

As we arrived. Sunoo's eyes brightened up.

I can't help but to smile how precious he is.

I told him about these street foods.
He seems so invested about it.

Then he got a call. Sunoo then told me that his friends are coming to meet us.

I was anxious. What does Sunoo's friends looks like.

As we ate kwek-kwek and sorbetes.

Sunoo's friends came.

Their names are Jungwon and Niki.

I also introduced myself as a workmate and a friend.

As soon as Jungwon saw Sunoo's eating.
He automatically points out how Sunoo is used to eating Tteokbokki and Mint Choco Ice cream.

I was ashamed. I had a hunch that Sunoo came from a middle class family yet I brought him here at the street foods.

But Sunoo assured me that it's good. I can only smile at him.

Jungwon then decided to ask a sensitive question.

He ask where is Sunoo's boyfriend.

As I saw in my eyes. Sunoo's expression is terrified. I can't help but to give him his space.

I understood that they'll talk, So I told him I'll just wait.

After like 30 mins of waiting. I saw Sunoo smiling with his friends. I told him "Let's go"

He then wears the pink helmet but Jungwon said.

"Are you going to ride a bike? Both of you can ride the car and we'll drop you off."

Not lying that made me feel lesser than Sunoo. I mean, they've got a car and I only got a bike. For sure the car is way more comfortable than this bike.

So I told Sunoo that he can go with his friends.

But Sunoo is really unpredictable.
He told me again that he's comfortable here at my bike and I promised that I would take him home.

I just can't help but be moved about it.

Niki then informed us that they'll have an outing. He even included me.

Then I start pedaling our way to Sunoo's apartment.

As we got outside in his apartment.

He tried to give back the helmet but I force him to accept it. I told him that I'll still be taking you everyday.

And boy he blushed.

He freaking blushed!!

I can't help but call him bub.

Bub! yeah, that's a fitting name for a cute guy like him.

I told him I'll call him Bub and
he replied "In one condition. I'll call you dummy or dum for short."

My heart just can't help it. I mean, we got call names already.

So I bid farewell to him and then go.

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