Chapter 8 (Past)

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After their graduation.

All of them has been so happy.

I mean, who wouldn't be when your done with the high school and is about to take a step into a new journey.

As the vacation started.
Sunghoon takes him to different places.

Even inviting Jungwon and Niki.

They only have 4 months for summer vacation. That's why they're spending it wisely.

They went to beaches, to islands, and even they tried sky diving.

After their planned vacation, they decided to make time and planning for their college.

All three of them bickered for a quite time, they all have different opinions about this school and these courses.

Jungwon and Niki wants to study at this University but their university won't cater his course.

While Sunoo wants to study at a different university because he planned it with Sunghoon first.

Jungwon and Niki were really sad because it means they'll get separated from Sunoo and they don't want that.

While that may sound sad.

Sunoo reassured them that they will visit each other often and would not forget each other.

I mean, there'll never be a trio like them.

So all of them was okay again and laugh about it.

"I swear to god Sunoo, if you won't see us. I will literally scratch your face." Jungwon threatened.

"Try it, Wonie. I'll bald your head. You cannot touch my face because it's my selling point."
Sunoo retorted.

"Stop it pls, Na ve-vertigo (vertigo/dizzy) ako hahaha" Niki said.

They all laugh again "HAHAHAHAHA"

One thing they could say about their friendship is unbreakable.

As the days moved forward, it's only 2 months away from the opening classes.

He already inquired himself at the university they both planned. But somehow, he can't seem to hit up Sunghoon.

It seems like Sunghoon is busy these days. He tried to text him but it's always the cold response like okay and thanks.

It was new for Sunoo. Sunghoon was never like that.

Sunoo couldn't understand what's the reason of the change. He could only let Sunghoon have his space.

He never even shared this with Jungwon and Niki because he knows they'll also worry about him.

So he kept this on his fragile heart. 

Unfortunately, something happened.

His mother felt an abrupt pain and is also in the verge of something unexplainable. 

Sunoo's mother is sick and he knows it. So he's been taking care of his sick mother and has no time to update Sunghoon.

That's one of the reasons why they also drifted from each other.

The thing is, Sunoo would be the first one to call him.

Not that he cares about who calls first but he felt Sunghoon's not there anymore.

He's confused as to why Sunghoon's acting this way. He wants to confront him face to face but he can't because his mother is getting worse day by day.

As he decided to bring his mother to the hospital and found out she has incurable disease.

A painful news was about to be brought to light. The doctor said she has now a rough week left.

It made Sunoo cry. Breakdown and feeling weak. The anguish inside of his heart.

He just felt devastated and wrecked. 
Questioning on why this has to happen.

On why his mom. Why not him.

He immediately called his best friends. Jungwon and Niki then hurriedly goes to hospital where Sunoo went.

"Sunoo, Are you okay" Jungwon said.

"No, I'm not Wonie. My mom's got roughly a week and I'm not ready."  Sunoo painfully cries as he hugs them both.

Niki could only shut his mouth and comfort his best friend. He understood that action speaks louder than words.

Day by day, Sunoo and his friends were the one taking care of his mother. Her mother was on the verge of collapsing but neither of them wants to give up.

Everyday Sunoo's crying because he isn't ready and will never be ready. 

To face the reality that his mom would be gone. To face the truth that anytime she will go. To learn the harshness of reality.

Jungwon and Niki is also crying because the emotions they felt from going back and forth to the hospital just bursted out.

Glad that the opening of class is still far ahead. That way they won't be pressured and they can still be able to take care of Sunoo's mom.

"Thank you so much Wonie and Niki for being here with me through my toughest times. I'll never forget this." Sunoo said.

"It's really okay because we're a family right? Families help each other." Niki said.

"Family Forever." Jungwon said while they hugged.

After that night, Jungwon and Niki decided to go home because it's late.

They'll just visit them tomorrow.

Sunoo then kisses his mom in her forehead.

He told her "I love you."

Then his mom also replied "I love you more anak (child). You're my sunshine and you'll always be my sunshine. I'm sorry if I can't be with you in your college days. I'll support you somewhere watching you to graduate. I'll always be proud of you anak."

She also added this "I know I haven't given you a wonderful family like every parent should. They have a father but you don't. I'm sorry if you felt like, I was lacking in that area. I tried to fill those empty void but still can't. I wish you can forgive me"

"Mom naman kasi, you'll always be the best mom for me. You know I only asked for my father once because I got curious but that's it. Your motherhood is never invalidated of the lacking patriarch figure in our lives. You will always be you my Mom, My star"

Then Sunoo kissed his mother one last time because this was a heartfelt confession and It's what she needed the most.

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