Chapter 19 (Present)

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Morning came, Sunoo then gets ready for going to his work.

His phone bells notifications.
"Morning bub"
"Gising kana?" (Are you awake?)
"Eat kana" (You should eat)
"Pupuntahan kita dyan maya maya" (I will be there later)

Sunoo couldn't help but to reply all of his messages because Jay might worry.

"Yes, dummy Morning. I'm awake now and tapos na ako mag eat. Just tell me if you are already here and may ginagawa lang ako" (I'm awake now, and I'm done eating) (I'm doing something)
Sunoo replied.

Sunoo then decides to finish on what he's doing. He packs now two sandwiches for him and Jay.

He gotta go now at the outside to wait jay.

He wears his pink helmet and settled himself.

Jay then arrives and smiled at him.

"Bat ka nag sa smile? (Why are you smiling?)" Sunoo asked.

Jay retorted "You're too cute kasi. Tara na sakay. (Hop on)"

Both of them makes their way to their work.

They start to log in the attendance sheet and wears their uniform.

Their work wasn't so hard, they only got to punch items and assist customers.

Actually they have a lot of free time unless if it's rush hour.

Both Sunoo and Jay eats the sandwiches.

They're talking about their life.

Like a normal friends do.

Since they're a part timers, they only got to work like 5 hrs atleast.

And the salary isn't bad.

After a long hours of working. It's time to go home.

They would really go home but-

Ting! A notification from Jungwon.
"Bestie Sunoo, Let's go out. Sama mo narin si Jay. We'll fetch you later both. (Bring Jay with you)"

Sunoo then informs Jay.
"Jay, sama ka raw samin to go out. (Jay, they're asking you to come)"

"Asan tayo gagala bub? (Where are we going bub?)" Jay replied.

Sunoo said "I don't know also dummy"

Jay replied "Nakakahiya mga richkids ang kasama ko. (I'm embarrassed, all of you are richkids)"

Sunoo retorted "Bobo, hindi naman ako richkid dummy. We'll just go home and change outfit. Just go at my apartment when you're done. Niki and Jungwon will pick us up. (Crazy, I'm not rich kid)"

Jay nooded.

Then after bringing Sunoo at his home.
Jay then carefully picks his outfit.
He's so stressed because he needs to impress Sunoo. It's their first outing together.

He wouldn't just embarrassed Sunoo like that.

After a stressful 20 minutes. He now has an outfit then he sends message to Sunoo that his ready.

Jay then rides his bike towards Sunoo's apartment.

Sunoo actually doesn't know what to wear.

He just casually puts on a pink hoodie and a jeans.

He checks his phone and receives text from Jungwon and Jay.

Jungwon: "We'll be there in 5 mins."
Jay: "Padating na ako bub. (I'm arriving bub)"

He replies them both and examines himself again and again.

Jay is the first one to arrive.
Knock, Knock.

"Bub, I'm here" Jay said.

Sunoo then open's the door and looks at Jay.

"Wow, porma natin ngayon dummy ah? Sino papacutan mo, is it the babes? (Wow, you are really dressed today dummy. Who's the luck babe you're going to flirt?) " Sunoo playfully said.

Jay hurriedly answer "No, bub. Sadyang pogi lang talaga ako. (It's just that I'm attractive)"

Both of them are talking while waiting for Jungwon and Niki.

Then Niki called Sunoo.
"Hey, get your asses in here. We're here." Niki said.

Sunoo replied "Coming po madam Niki"

Sunoo and Jay then went to see Jungwon and Niki.

"Do both of you, are sure wearing that?" Jungwon said.

Sunoo replied "Why it's okay naman diba?"

Niki added "We're going night swimming! To the beach each."

Jungwon said "Jay's too dressed up while you on the other hand looks casual."

Sunoo retorted "But you haven't said where we're going?"

Jungwon replied " Okay, I know I forgot. It's my damn fault. Kasalanan ko na lahat. (It's all my fault)"

All of them laughs at Jungwon's response.

Niki said "Just both of you get in the damn car nalang."

Jay and Sunoo did get in the car. Niki then drives to the beach.

I mean, they're going night swimming right?

They have now arrived at the beach. Niki actually reserved a table for them.

So the entrance is easy.
The food is also set.

They're going to eat samgyupsal.

Jay couldn't help but laugh at his ignorance because he doesn't know how to eat samgyupsal.

Then they got to the table.
All of the ingredients are placed in the table.

Of course Jay being clueless, He lets them eat first.

But Sunoo decides to check up on him.

Sunoo silently ask "Are you okay?"

Jay whispered "I'm sorry but I don't know samgyupsal. I'll just eat after I watch you all."

Sunoo answered " No, I'll teach you nalang."

Jay smiled at him. He's literally the cutest.

That's why he can't resist Sunoo because how kind and thoughtful Sunoo is.

Sunoo then carefully instructs Jay on how to eat. "Here oh. You need to take the lettuce and wrap the meat with kimchi and sauce and put it in your mouth in whole.

Jay then understands how it works. So he wraps his own food and eat.

Casually he also wraps samgyupsal and gives it to Sunoo.

"Here bub oh, please eat this" Jay said.

Without any hesitation Sunoo ate the wrapped food in Jay's fingers.

Both Jungwon and Niki seemed to notice it.

Jungwon said "Wow, may pa wrapped wrapped pa si bestie ha. (Wow, you even have Jay to wrap samgyupsal for you)"

Niki added "Sana ol. Pinapakain. I also wish someone would fed me like that. (How I wish, someone feeding me like that)"

They're all laughing.

But Jay's eyes was just into Sunoo.

He is captivated by Sunoo's charm.

He just felt like this is the moment.

If he can have a chance then he will go for it.

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