Chapter 3 (Past)

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It all started when Sunoo was grade 12.

A lot of people are actually attracted to him because he has this sexy foxed-eye and bubbly cheeks in his face.

He was so cute that even boys gets bent to him.

As usual his friends were Jungwon and Niki. It was a small circle but was really fun.

Sunoo actually got it all.

Visual, Talent and Intelligent.

Each of them has really complementary personas.

Sunoo's got the maarte (a privilege, picky attitude), Jungwon has the baddest attitude while Niki is what sets them straight, The composed one.

Everybody knows that these three are popular especially - Sunoo.

I mean, they're all talented and brainy. Three of them actually placed in the Class-A.

The top section.

They were even so excited about it because they'll be sitting together again side by side.

But boy do they're wrong.

The teacher actually decided to do random seats.

Jungwon was furious about it.

"I don't really understand the teacher why the need to separate us." Jungwon complained.

"Can you calm yourself wonie! It's not like it's the end of the world. Stop acting like a bitch." Niki retorted.

"Right, It's just a seat okay. You both know we'll be eating together on the cafeteria right? Duh." Sunoo added in.

As they got into their seats,
Sunoo actually got the farthest of them all. He was in the back seat of the room.

The introduction actually started. Most of them are the usual name dropping and expectations.

Reality speaking Sunoo has been so bored about it. Untill he's the next one to introduce.

"Hi I'm Kim Sunoo and I like doing aegyo's.

Everybody shouted
"Sample! Sample! Sample!"

Sunoo couldn't help but to do aegyo which made the whole class crazy.

"Ddeuno, Hhedeungi—-"

It stopped. The aegyo got stopped.

Only because a late student interrupted him.

Not gonna lie. He's definitely annoyed by the late student.

"Imagine stopping Sunoo's aegyo? I could fucking never." Author's POV

"Hi everyone, I'm sorry I'm late" the late student introduced himself stealing Sunoo's moment.

Everyone was staring at him. Sunoo could only roll his eyes and pout.

I mean, who wouldn't right. A late student interrupted the infamous aegyo prince.

The teacher then called out for the late boy and gives the command to introduce himself while Sunoo goes back to his seat.

"Hi again everyone, I'm Park Sunghoon nice to meet you all."

Girls stupidly squealed because they found Sunghoon attractive. Which he is actually are.

After that fiasco, Sunoo's been real quiet. He doesn't wanna talk to anyone.

It just keeps getting worst, When the late student actually is seated beside him.

"Hi cutie, What's your name.
I'm Park Sunghoon." He said.

"Don't fucking call me cutie, and it's none of your business loser." Sunoo retaliated.

"Well that escalated quickly." Sunghoon said while going back his attention to the professor.

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