Chapter 31 (Present)

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It is now the weekend.

As much they want to sleep in, they just couldn't because it's still work day.

They only have Sunday as rest day.

Sunoo then wakes up and starts to take a bath.

Jay's still sleeping peacefully at the couch.

Sunoo then prepares their breakfast.

He makes Jay coffee and pancakes for the both of them while he has his own hot chocolate.

As soon as Jay smells the aroma of the coffee he instantly gets up and hugs Sunoo at the back.

"Morning bub." Jay said.

"Morning dum, Here's your coffee and the pancakes will be ready shortly." Sunoo said.

"Bub, I think I'm full." Jay said.

"What? Am I going to eat this alone?" Sunoo retored.

"I'm already full while looking at you kasi." Jay cracks his line.

"Sira ka talaga hahaha. I swear to god I'll make your pancakes burnt." Sunoo retorted.

"Okay lang basta ikaw nagluto. (It's okay, as long you made it)" Jay said.

"What's with the pickup lines Dum. Ang corny mo hahaha aga aga ha. (You're so corny, early in the morning)" Sunoo replied.

"Okay na ang maaga kaysa naman mahuli. (It's okay to be early, than to be at the last)" Jay seriously said while looking at Sunoo.

"Okay napo Mr. Pick up lines. Here's your pancake, Sunog nayan ha. Kaka pick up lines mo hindi ako naka focused. (Okay Mr. Pick up lines, Here's your pancake. It's already burnt cause of your pick up lines, I can't focus)" Sunoo said.

"Hahaha tinotoo mo talaga ang burnt pancakes. I like you bub. (You really made me burnt pancakes)" Jay said.

Sunoo is really flustered at that moment.

It seems Jay's charisma is drawing him in.

He couldn't help but to tell the truth.

"I like you too dummy." Sunoo replied.

"Oh ayan naman pala, you like me already then for that I'll eat this whole burn pancakes. (Oh it's already there, you like me already)" Jay said while stuffing his mouth with burnt pancakes.

After eating. Both of them then goes their way to work.

Jay is so happy this time. Sunoo even acknowledges his feelings and reciprocates back. It is only a short amount of time till they get officially in relationship.

He couldn't help but to tease Sunoo every minute.

"Dum, Ano ba. Magtrabaho na tayo. Baka pagalitan tayo dito. (Dum, stop. Let's work okay? We'll get reprimanded)" Sunoo said.

"Sige na, kiss lang naman sa cheek. (Please, I just need a kiss on the cheek)" Jay replied.

Sunoo just kept on hiding from Jay.

Jay also keeps on teasing Sunoo every chance he can get.

After a while Jay just started to sulk.

"Dum, later nalang kasi. Let's just date later. maya nalang ang kiss. I promise both cheeks. (Dum, just wait later, let's date after, and the kiss. I promise both cheeks)" Sunoo replied.

Jay then smirks victoriously and said "Sinabi mo yan ha, You owe me kisses from my cheek and my cheek. (You said it)" while pointing to his cheeks.

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