Twenty - Nine

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Third person P. O. V.

Life has being rosy but with a little bit of up and down we never taught we would find happiness in this life altering decision that our parents made, sometimes you meet someone and you know the first moment you laid your eyes on them you would want to spend the rest of your life with them however i hated mine at first but love was written in our destiny.

Our relationship keeps getting stronger every day by day few days to Fatimas birthday and Abbas kept acting weird which Fatima noticed she taught it's work that's eating him up or something, she couldn't take it she ask what the problem was he said nothing when she pestered him the more he said it's you you offend me and if you think you will beg me to forgive you it's impossible.

Fatima was surprised at his outburst she ask what her offence is Abbas sighed and said i think i need to show you your offence but first i need to blindfold you Fatimas heart kept beating every minute thinking she did something bad without knowing.
It's a birthday surprise before our arrival to the place she kept asking where we were going Abbas kept telling her to be patient we got to the event, he remove the blindfold saying this is your offence Fatima.

Abbas doesn't call Fatima by name anymore he only calls her name when he's angry or displeased with what she did she glared at him and said Abbas where is this place and why is it dark in here Abbas said i don't know switch on the light at your back and see for yourself, she switch on the light everyone shouted surprise happy birthday Fatima jumped due to the shout.

She glanced back to look for Abbas he's nowhere to be found zahra screamed and hugged Fatima happy birthday bestie she looked at the room and was surprised to see her parent  Abbas parent, Abbas cousins her siblings her elder brother and his family, the girls Nafisa, Rafiatu and Zuby, and customers some she knew and some people she doesn't know how did Abbas organise all this, when? all this thought ran through Fatimas mind the girls dragged Fatima and took her to greet the elderly people present in the house before they proceed to the cake they ask she make a wish and blow the candle she asked of Abbas before she does anything on the cake everyone laughed Abbas came out looking all changed and handsome.

He stood beside her they both cut the cake everyone kept cheering and capturing the moment after the exchange of cake Abbas bent on one knee, Fatima ask what he was doing and he said Fatima like i promised Abbas opens a box which contain a ring Fatima I know you are surprised but i want you to know this i believe in you the person you have grown to be the couple we will be together with all my heart i take you as my wife acknowledging and accepting your fault your strength i promise to be faithful, supportive and always make your happiness my top priority i will be yours in plenty and in want in sickness in health success and failure.

I will dream with you celebrate with you walk beside you with whatever our life may bring you are my love and life please marry me again Fatima, Fatima was really shedding tears they were indeed tears of happiness she drag Abbas up and said yes i will though we are already married and everyone laughed Fatima glance to see everyone taking videos and pictures she was shy yet she continued i love you as my husband i promise to be the woman you see right now today tomorrow and forever though our soul are connected as one from the very first day i gave myself to you i will give you my love we are bound with a destiny that can't be easily broken or shattered i love you Habibi with that they lightly kissed and hugged each other which cause an uproar among everyone we all celebrated the birthday by eating and drinking.

Fatima and Abbas were dancing when Abbas screamed yes, everyone was surprised at his outburst, he turned and said guys Fatima is pregnant Mitty went close to Fatima to confirm she nods.

The congratulations came trooping in so sorry i didn't mention Amrah and Khalifa, Khalifa was present but he was busy with the arrangement of making sure everything is set Amrah has put to birth a baby girl named Salma also called Amirah, Fatima asked for Khalifa to thank him for all his effort and support Khalifa said it's nothing she shouldn't thank him but thank God for everything they all smiled and said Alhamdulillah in  unison Fatima ask Abbas how he got to organise this without her knowledge and where that all stayed he said a little bit of Khalifas help some stayed at Khalifas house while some stayed at a hotel and the girls said they had a relative here that's where they stayed zahra specifically came for the birthday surprise Abbas in his own thought remembers.

Khalifas words indeed he was right when he said "don't rush it when the time is right it will surely happen", Abbas hugs Fatima thanking her for the new gift she's about to give him zahra came asking the couple to come take a family picture with everyone they all went to take the pictures with a joyful heart and a happy smile written all over their faces.

The End😅😢😔😀

Guys it's a wrap on Naseeb guys am really emotional right now😭😭😭😭😭.

I really do hope you all enjoyed this book please let me know what you think on this book your comment will be appreciated please no hate speech thank u❤😍

I can't believe this is the end of this book.......

Am going to miss writing this book, 😫😢😢😫😢😢😢😢😢😢it's indeed was a longride........

Thank you all for reading......

Ohhhh there's going to be an epilogue guys 😁😀 so stay tuned to for it please, thanks as you do..

●Halimat Sansa

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