Chapter Twenty - Three

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Fatima P. O. V.

I woke up early feeling happy, i called Abbas for fajr prayer and went back to my room,  at dawn i called Amrah to congratulate her we discuss more about her pregnancy, how she got to find out how Khalifa reacted i ask if she's going to attend Zahras wedding she said yes but Khalifa is being extra careful and not letting her do anything i said i can imagine we chatted some more to which she prayed for me to be pregnant i replied Amin then end the call, i started jotting some baby shower plans for Amrah which i would discuss with her husband and the girls i was still in my nightie when my stomach grumbled i stood up to prepare breakfast i got to the kitchen started preparing some waffles, pancakes with tea i put on some music to dance and cook.

I turn to drop the pancakes when i sighted someone i was startled it was Abbas he laughed and said it's me i can't stop laughing at your facial expression, i greet him he asked what's for breakfast which i told him, i got back to the gas to take the water i boiled why haven't you gone to work i ask, he was silent Abbas i said, he shrugged and said am my own boss i laughed okay boss i served myself and him while eating i felt his intense stare on me i kept wondering what's going on i ask him am i safe this one you are staring at me, he shakes his head and said woman you would be the death of me you are looking hot then i realise i didn't wear my nightie jacket i felt shy and embarrassed i stood up to excuse myself.

He held my hand and said Fatima don't be shy you know i have every right to look i sighed yes i know but please let's take everything slow he said okay, i went back upstairs in full speed i was relieved nothing happened, i wore a hijab that covers my whole body i wanted to go back downstairs but i thought against it, i would wait for him to leave before i go back downstairs later on that day i receive a message from him he kept teasing me on what happened this morning we kept chatting till he propose to show how much of a charmer and gentleman he is he fixed a date for both us of which i thought he was joking until he confirm it, i wished him luck for his meeting and kept my phone i went to my closet to search for the perfect dress i searched and searched till i later resolved to wear a burgundy colour gown with a
white veil.

I prepare lunch for myself and promise to make use of the opportunity i have to make memories while it last, i was in the living room watching some documentary on culinary school competition when he came in he looked at me and said you aren't ready i responded neither are you, he left and i felt it's my cue to get dressed, i was on my make up when i heard a knock he was calling me out  i told him i will be out a minute i went downstairs he was looking handsome, he looked at my dressing, i ask him should i change he smiled no you look beautiful i said thanks you don't look bad either he replied thanks shall we i told him to wait we need to take pictures i took tons of pictures with Abbas and some alone pics.

We proceed to his car while driving i kept asking him where we were going he looked at me and said if i tell you then it won't be a surprise again i said okay we stopped at this restaurant i had always want to visit, i do see the restaurant ads on instagram i hugged him due to how happy i am, i was surprised at my actions by hugging him, i was really happy this was indeed a surprise, i kept taking pictures to show the girls and for memories purpose, we ate, we talked i even mimicked some of his actions while we weren't on talking terms.

We  were laughing while taking dessert when a lady interrupted us i was surprised thinking it's Abbas she know but alas am the one she hug me and said Fatima it's being a while she happen to be my course mate at china i was happy to see her i introduce her to my husband we chatted and i ask what she's doing here she said her father owns the restaurant, i was surprised not that i underrated her but the place was big and well known.

We took some pictures Abbas was my photographer i also include him by doing selfie we were leaving when Salma ask our dinner and dessert to be packed again, she said our bills is on the house, we exchanged contact and left, on our way home i noticed Abbas change of mood i ask what's wrong and he grumbled on not taking me to any eatery or restaurant because i might know one or two person's there.

I laughed his expression was so serious he expressed himself further saying he's the one who took me out so hes to pay and not the other way round i apologised he promise to take me to other place and not restaurant some other time, Abbas for the very first time showed his jealous side towards me i felt i really need to make him happy since he made my night i held his hand touched his face and said sorry he still wouldn't bulge, he showed his angry face i thought of doing something crazy then i peck him on the cheek, i ask am i forgiven i never imagined i would peck him he looked at me and said what you did won't change the fact that am still angry on this issue, i was nervous i kept looking at my nails i ask again on what i could do to make him happy.

He smiled and said a real kiss on the mouth, i felt like screaming to his face a real what kiss no for now i can't kiss him on the month i was silent all throughout the reaming ride home.

We got home, i appreciate him for what he did today by saying thank you Habibi you made my day he said you are welcome wait what i guess he didn't notice the new name i called immediately he said wait i turn to make way to my room i saw him on my hot tail he was chasing me.

He said i should repeat what i said i ran for a while then stopped and said good night Habibi see you tomorrow with that i entered my room showered prayed and got to bed, i kept checking the photos i snapped today, i yawned dropped the phone made some Duas and slept off with a smile on my face.

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© Haleermarh Sansa

Naseeb Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora