- 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 9

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The Strippers Game
Chapter Nine
Take It like A G


We pulled up to a nice looking mini mansion and Ace punched in the code as my eyes was looking out the window taking in my surroundings.

He parks the vehicle and steps out, while I'm still fixing my bag my door opens and I look at him as he stood there and he stretched out his hand for me to take and I do just that and he helps me out. "Thanks" I say I was sleepy and just wanted to sleep right about now because my day was really long too. I followed him to the door as he unlocked it and stood to the side so that I could make my way inside. He flips the light switches and my eyes quickly and swiftly roams around the room.

          "Make yourself comfortable. I'm just gon' change." he said and I nodded walking into the lounge. The color scheme was Black a slight bit of gold with specs of white spread around the room. He had 3 couches two that formed a L and was oposite each other, a small black marble table separated the two and there was a smaller couch that was straight facing the nice fireplace. His house decor was planned out pretty well if I do say so myself, it was professional, sophisticated and yet also very manly and it would make anyone feel at home because of the peaceful vibe it gave off.

"You want something to drink" his voice boomed making me jump a bit. "Yeah what you got?" I asked as I noticed his abs peeking through the lose t-shirt he had on with a pair of sweats, socks and his Nike slides. I bit the inside of my mouths flesh at the sight of his tattoos and his muscular built body.

"Patron, Vodka, Beer, White & Red Wine, Juice, Water, Milk and milk shake" he said and I nodded

"White wine would be good I'm not in the mood for shots now" I said and he nodded and walked off and I took my time following him to the kitchen as I stood at the head of the Marble table that was placed in the middle of the kitchen and watched him as he done his every movement. His muscles kept flexing and it was hot as hell. I took in his every feature that he had from his nicely cut hair down to his little yet nice looking man butt. He turned around and walked over to me.

"Here you go" he said handing over my glass and I thanked him. He took my hand and took me back to the brightly lit lounge. He dimmed the lights a bit making a calm and soothing vibe in the area. Both of us took a seat and just sat there for a few minutes until I broke the silence "So what did you want yo discuss?" I asked and he now put all his attention on me. "Well I was wandering would you like to join the crew again? We do need a bad bitch for some things ya know" he said and I just rubbed the glass thinking before I replied. "Nope, however I don't mind just helping y'all like I am already doing as long as you pay me I'm all in" I said and he nodded. "Ight that's cool. Do me a favour and get me that golden box over there on that shelf then you bring it here." he said and I stood up walking to the shelf and trying to reach for it which was an epic fail all that did was lift my dress a bit and when I turned to look at Ace he was sitting the smirking and I just stared at him with a straight face folding my arms under my breast.

"I can't reach" I said and he stood up walking in my direction and he was now a foot away from me. "I know Love just wanted to see yo booty jiggle and how you try" he said with a sexy smile on his handsome face, he reached over my head and took the box off the shelf and took my hand and we walked out of the lounge heading to the flight of stairs and walking right to the top and heading down the hallway and we stopped at Gold double and when he opened the door I was stunned to seeing the most beautiful Room ever all you saw was white and a pinch of gold, I gasp in amazement if this is his room. I'm amazed. He led me to the bed and we sat down he brought out a mini rectangular shaped board and placed it on the bed and opened the golden box and there it was the Loud Weed.

The Strippers GameNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ