Chapter 19

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Previously on Chapter 18

"It's a dragon's scale..." I said. He nods his head as he looks at me with a worried expression. "I think the one causing this rampage is a dragon... which means we have to be extra careful. A dragon is very dangerous..." he said. I nod my head in agreement. He's right...

We have to be careful..

-We Mean No Harm-


"Incoming!!!" Someone yelled. As soon as he yelled that, I can hear flapping sound. I look up to see a huge dragon flying our way. I take off my sword and will it to grow larger in size. I stand on battle stance and brace myself for the battle.

It starts spitting fire towards us. I jump out of the way to avoid being burn alive. The Dragon keeps on spitting fire towards everyone. I can see Edmund not far from where I am.

"We have to find a shelter?!" Edmund screamed. He grab my hand and we run away. "Where're we going to hide? It can't be a cave... that'll be suicide!" I said. "I don't know... but we can't stay in the town. We're not strong enough to fight against a dragon" he said.

We found a forest. It looks green and healthy. Which is a sign that the dragon never came here. So all of us agree to set a camp here. As safe as it looks, Edmund insists we need to have someone on guard duty.

I sit by the tree, leaning my back against it. Edmund walks over to me and sit next to me. I turn to look at him and sigh.

"I have no idea how are we suppose to fight against a dragon, Ed..." I said. "Oh, honey... I'm sure we will find a way..." he said, wrapping his arm around me. I lean my head against his shoulder, since he doesn't have his armor on.

I feel a soft kiss on the side of my head. "We should probably get some sleep..." he said. I nod my head in agreement. Edmund scoops me up in his arms. Then he starts walking towards where our tent is.

He enters the tent and gently lay me down on the hammock. He get in the one beside me and reaches out. I place my hand on top of his and hold it. He give me a soft smile.

"Good night, my love... I love you..." he said. I smile softly at him. "Goodnight, Ed. I love you too" I said. I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.


Y/N... I hear a voice. I open my eyes. I looks around in confusion. 'Maybe it's just a dream...' I thought to myself, when I notice no one but Edmund is here. I close my eyes and was about to fall back asleep.

Come to me, Y/N... the voice said again. I furrow my eyebrow. I turn my head to look at Edmund. It seem like I'm the only one that can hear the voice. I gently remove Edmund's hand from mine. I get off of the hammock and walk out of the tent.

"Who's there?" I said, in a hush tone to make sure I don't wake anyone. Come here... over here the voice said. I turn my head to the direction. I slowly place my hand on the sword charm of my bracelet.

I walk towards the direction. The voice stops. I look around to see nothing nor anyone. "Okay... maybe I'm just imagining things..." I said to myself. I turn around only to come face to face with the dragon. I froze in my spot.

I take off my sword charm and will it to grow. I raise it and stand in battle stance. But the dragon didn't do anything just stare at me. The dragon moves to lay on the ground, as if letting me know he means no harm... or is it a she?

Relax... your highness, I mean no harm... the voice said. "I... what... the voice was coming from you?" I said. The dragon nodded, confirming my question.

I look at her skeptically. But the dragon just stares at me. I hesitate for a moment, then I place the sword back on my bracelet. I take a seat on top of a rock in front of the dragon.

"Why are you attacking the village?" I said. I mean no harm... I just want to take back what belongs to me... they took it away... the dragon said. "What did they took from you?" I said. My eggs... she said. So the dragon is a female.

"Now I understand why you're acting that way..." I said. She lowers her head. I never meant to hurt anyone. I mean no harm... I just want my babies back... she said. I can see the sadness reflecting in his her eyes. I nod my head, letting her know that I understand.

"Y/N!!" Someone yelled. I turn my head to see my husband. He runs towards me and stands in front of me, protectively. He raise his sword ready to attack the dragon.

"Edmund, stop!" I said. He turns to look at me in confusion. I walk around him and stand in front of the dragon. "What are you doing, love? Come here! It's dangerous!!" He said. I shake my head and take a couple of steps back. I place my hand on top of the dragon's nose.

"She means no harm, Ed..." I said. His eyes widened, when he notices the dragon didn't attack me. "W-W-What's going o-on, Y/N?" He said, speechless. "One of the villagers took her eggs. She's only trying to get them back..." I said. The dragon makes a sound that sounded like a cry.

Edmund looks at us back and forth. "How did you know what happened?" He said. "She talked to me" I said. "SHE CAN TALK?!" He said, sounding shocked by what I told him. I nod my head.

"Why can't I understand her then?" He asked. "I do not know about that..." I said. Because you have a pure heart... the dragon said. I turn to look at the dragon. "Is that so?" I said, surprised. She nods her head.

"What? What did she say?" Edmund said. I turn to look at him. "She said I have a pure heart..." I said. "I have no arguments about that..." he said, grinning at me. I roll my eyes at him.

I turn to look at the dragon and pat her head softly. "I will get your eggs back, okay?" I said. She beams at me. Thank you, my royal highness... I don't know how I can ever repay you... she said. I smile softly at her. "I'm just happy to help..." I said. You have the purest heart... she said. I just smile at her words. I turn to look at Edmund to see him looking lost.

I giggle at him. "Come on, Ed... we need to get her eggs back" I said. He nods his head and turns to look at the dragon. "Will you promise you'd leave them alone afterwards?" He said. The dragon tilt her head. Edmund just turns to look at me.

"I don't think she understands me..." he said. I let out a soft giggle. I turn to look at the dragon. "He said... will you promise to you'd leave them alone afterwards?" I said.

Of course... I just want to have my eggs back... she said. I turn to look at my husband. "She promised she will..." I said. Edmund nods his head and turns to the dragon with a smile on his face. The dragon just stares at us with a grateful look.

*to be continued*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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