Chapter 13

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Previously on Chapter 12

I just smile at him as he smiles back at me. I stand up as the others pulls away from him. I offer my hand and he grabs it. I pull him up to his feet and wrap my arms around his waist. I'm so happy that he's okay... and I feel calm and content being close with him. I guess... that could only mean one thing.

I am falling for Edmund

-Coronation Day-


We slowly rebuild Narnia into a better place. Now that the White Witch is gone, Narnians can finally live their live's in peace. We restore all the broken houses, make it into a better living place for them.

Today is the day all 5 of us will be coronate into the Kings and Queens of Narnia. Am I nervous? Very much. I don't even know if I'm going to be a good leader for this place.

I meet up with the others. They look so good in their royal outfit. They turn to look at me and smile. "You look beautiful, Y/N..." Lucy said. "Thank you... you look lovely, Lucy... all of you..." I said, smiling. They smile back at me.

The door open and we walk in line with my father in between us. All the centaurs lift their sword, making a path for us. There's five throne for each of us. We stand in front of it and turn around to face everyone else.

"I give you Queen Lucy. The Valiant..." dad said. I smile softly when I see Mr. and Mrs. Beaver walking towards us holding crowns in cushions. Mr. Tumnus walks up to us as well.

He grab a crown and place it on Lucy's head. "For the great West. I give you Kind Edmund, the Just" dad said. Then Edmund gets his crown.

"For the Southern Sun... I give you Queen Susan... the Gentle" dad said. Mr. Tumnus gives a crown to Susan. She stands straight and smiles at everyone.

"I give you High King Peter, the Magnificent" dad said. Then Peter kneels down on one knee and get a crown place on his head.

"And finally... I give you Queen Y/N... the Loyal. Even when her life is on the line, she still chose to side with the goods" dad said, smiling at me. I just smile at him.

Mr. Tumnus walks towards me. I smile at him and kneels down on one knee. He gently place a crown on top of my head.

"Congratulation, your majesty

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"Congratulation, your majesty..." he said. "Thank you, Mr. Tumnus..." I said, standing straighter. Then all five of us sits down on the thrones.

"Long live King Peter, long live Queen Susan, long live King Edmund, long live Queen Lucy, long live Queen Y/N!" Everyone chanted. Dad smiles at them and turns to look at us.

"Once Kings and Queens of Narnia... always Kings and Queens of Narnia..." he said. I smile brightly at him. We've been coronated as the Kings and Queens of Narnia. I will try my best to be a good leader for everyone.


I'm walking along the beach, with my father on my side. I just walk with my hands together in front of me.

"Father..." I said. "Yes, my dear?" He said. "Do you think I'll be able to lead Narnia?" I said. "I'm sure you can. You are a very loyal person, Y/N" he said. This makes a smile appear on my face.

"The other's time is almost over... soon or later they will be returning to their world. What about me? Do I have to go with them?" I asked. "Yes, My dear... as you belong in their world too..." he said. "But I was a Narnian before going to their world..." I said. He just smile. "I think it's time for me to tell you the truth..." he said.

"What truth? About me?" I asked. "No... about your mother. Your mother is like the others... they came to our world from the other side..." he said. My eyes widened.

"You mean... this whole entering Narnia thing have happened before?" I said. "Yes... the first Kings and Queens of Narnia came from the other world... with them, comes along your mother... whom in the end, became my wife. Then you were born... our greatest treasure..." he said. "Wow... I did not expect that. So even before getting coronated..." I start. "You were already a royal member, because you are mine and a Queen's child... she was one of the wisest ruler of Narnia. Therefore, I believe... you will be too..." he said, as if knowing what I was about to ask him. I just smile and hugs him.

"Thank you, Father... I love you..." I said, nuzzling my face into his soft mane. "You're welcome my child... and I love you too..." he said. I pull away from him.

I notice the sun slowly begin to set. I look down as I know what it meant. "It's okay, my dear... I never actually left... someday I will be back..." he said. I just look up at him with tears in my eyes.

"I'm going to miss you, Father..." I said. He nods his head "I will too..." he said. I hug him again. Then I pull away and watch in silent as he walks away into the distance. He's leaving for a place known as his country. I never seen the place. I wonder what it's going to look like. But he told me... if I crossover to his place, there are no going back. Only he can do that. I smile sadly as I watch him disappear. I let out a soft sigh and turn to return to the castle.

I'm walking down the corridor and meet Edmund. I smile when I see him. "Hey, Y/N..." he said. "Hello, Edmund..." I said. "I heard what happen. Are you okay?" He said. "I am... he'll come back. He always do..." I said, smiling at him. He nods his head and pulls me into a hug. I smile and hugs him back. He seems to know that I needed comfort.

I lean my head against his chest. We stay like that for a while, neither of us wants to pull away. I feel really calm and happy to be around Edmund. I love him... I wonder if he feels the same way.

Edmund P.O.V

Y/N... will you love me the way I love you? I know we are young... but no one can control their feelings. We fall in love in the most unexpected ways. She remain kind towards me even though I used to be a brat. But she still welcomes me.

I tried to stop this feelings as I know she might not feel the same way... ever. But there's no denying it, I am falling... and I'm falling hard. I will do anything for her... if it means she would return my feelings.

I love you, Y/N... will you love me?

*to be continued*

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