Chapter 16

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Previously on Chapter 15

He places me back on my feet. He gently cups my cheeks softly. "In a short time... I'll be able to call you my wife... oh, Y/N... you have no idea how happy I am right now. I love you so much. Thank you for accepting my proposal..." he said. "Of course I'll accept you. I love you too Edmund..." I said. He leans down and gently place a soft kiss on my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back.

-The Best Day of Our Lives-


I'm currently sitting in front of a make up dresser. I have my hair set up in a beautiful curly bun.

Now I'm just getting my make up done

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Now I'm just getting my make up done. I close my eyes as the make up artist is applying some shade on my eyes.

"Awee... you're going to be such a beautiful bride, Y/N..." Lucy said, placing her hands on my shoulder. I open my eyes and smiles at her through the mirror.

Susan smiles at me as she make sure my make ups looks good. "Indeed she will..." she said, grinning at me. "Thanks girls... I couldn't have done it without both of you..." I said. "Hey... don't thank us. After all we're going to be sisters..." Lucy said. I stand up and pull her into a hug. I open my arm for Susan to join. I smile as we share a loving group hug.

I pull away when there's a knock on the door. "Come in" I said. The door slide open to reveal Mr. Tumnus. He smiles when his eyes meets mine. "You look very beautiful, your highness..." he said. "Thank you..." I said, smiling softly at him. 

"We're ready for you, miss..." he said. I nod my head. "We'll be out soon... thank you, Mr. Tumnus" I said, making him smile. He turns around and walks out of the room.

Susan turns to look at me and smiles. "Ready?" She said. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerve. I nod my head and smile at her. "Ready..." I said. She smiles and offers her arm to me. I loop my arm with hers and we walk out of the dressing room. My dress flows elegantly behind me.

We come to a stop in front of a double door, which'll leads us to the venue. Susan pulls her arm from me. I turn to look at her in confusion. "What? Are you not walking me down the aisle?" I said. "Oh... it's not going to be me..." she said. "Then?" I said. She turns to look over my shoulder. I turn around and my eyes widened.

"Father?" I said. He smiles and walks towards me. "I can't... I can't believe you're here!" I said. "Do you actually think I'm going to miss out my daughter's wedding?" He said. I let out a giggle and leans my forehead against his fury ones.

"Thank you, father..." I said. The door slides open. I turn to look forward. I let out a shaky breath. Then I start to walk, with my hand on my dad's back. I take a quick glance around the place. Everyone is looking at me with a wide smile on their faces.

I turn to look forward, and make eye contact with the very man that will soon be my husband. I can feel all my negative thought disappear as soon as both of our eyes meet.

Edmund is looking so handsome in his suite. He's looking back at me in awe. I look down and observe my wedding dress.

I smile to myself

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I smile to myself. Then I look forward again. Father stops walking when we reach him. He outstretch his hand for me to grab. I place my hand on top of his as I move to stand next to him.

"Take care of my daughter..." father said. "I will... I swear with everything in me, Aslan. Thank you for your blessing..." Edmund said, bowing at father. He gives him a nod and smiles at me. Then he turns to walk and stand with the rest of the Narnians. 

Edmund smiles as he looks at me. "You're beautiful, love..." he said, lifting my hand to place a soft kiss on the back of my hand. "You're handsome, Edmund..." I said. Then we turn to look at the priest.

"You may start your vows..." he said. We just nod our heads and turns to look at each other. Edmund reach out and gently grab my other hand.

"Y/N... you're everything I asked for in a girl. I'm so sorry for the way I was acting back then. When you warned me that my ego will be my own downfall... I disregard it and ignore your words. Then all the bad things started happening and I realize... what you warned me about was true. When that reality came to me... the realization hits me like an earthquake. The first thing came to my mind that day was you. I realize how much you mean to me. I love you... and I swear with everything I have to offer that I will love you... always. Starting with forever" he said, smiling at me. I smile softly at him.

"Edmund Pevensie... even with the hardships all of us have to go through. Not once will I give up on you. All I realize is that you need is support and I will do my best to be that person for you. No matter how much you might try push me away. I will ALWAYS be with you. I promise... not a day will past without me showing you how much you mean to me. I love you too, Edmund. Now and forever. Till death do us apart and beyond..." I said. He just smiles at me. I can see glisten in his eyes.

"Now... do you... Edmund Pevensie... take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded Wife through sickness and health?" He said. "I do..." Edmund said, without missing a beat. He nods and turns to me.

"And do you... Y/N... take Edmund Pevensie to be your lawfully wedded Husband. To support each other.. to always love each other till death and beyond?" He said. "I do..." I said, smiling at Edmund.

The priest nods his head, smiling. "Very well. Now... congratulation... I now pronounce you, Husband and Wife... you may kiss the bride..." he said. Edmund smiles happily. He take a step closer to me. He gently cups my cheeks in his hands. He leans in and place a soft, passionate kiss on my lips. I smile into the kiss and tilt my head, slightly to kiss him back.

He pulls away and place a soft kiss on my forehead. "I love you, Mrs. Pevensie... my Queen..." he said. I smile happily at him. "I love you too, My King..." I said.


We are now in the wedding celebration. Kingdoms all over the world is invited to come and attend this sacred ceremony.

Slow song is playing as I wrap my arms around his neck. He have his arms around my waist, as we sway our body following along the soft rhythm of the slow, yet beautiful song.

He smiles happily. "I'm so happy to have you as my wife. I'm the luckiest man alive!" He said. I let out a giggle, making him smile. He leans down and place his lips against mine. I return his kiss passionately, moving my lips in sync with his.

*to be continued*

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