Chapter 3

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Previously on Chapter 2

"I hope you don't mind... but I really consider you as my sister, Y/N..." she said, making me smile. "I don't mind... I feel the same way..." I said, hugging her. I place a soft kiss on the side of her head. She snuggle closer to me. Soon I can hear her breathing soften. She have fallen asleep.

Narnia... looks like it's time

-Going To Narnia-


I wake up in the morning. I turn to my side to see Lucy is still asleep. I smile to myself and stand up, trying to be as quiet as possible so I don't wake her up. I head to the bathroom to wash up.

Once I'm done showering, I quietly leave the room. I jump in fright when Peter is standing in front of me. "Yes?" I said. "Have you seen Lucy, Y/N? She's not in her room..." he said. I gently push the door to my room open. He turns his head and see his sister in my bed, still asleep. I can see the look of relief in his eyes.

"Thank you... for looking after my sister..." he said. I smile and nod my head. "She's already like a sister to me..." I said. He smiles at me. "She must be upset for what happened yesterday..." he said. "Kinda. But I'm sure she'll be fine..." I said. He nods his head, with a smile on his face. He turns around and walks away.

I head to the dining room. I take a seat in one of the available seats. Peter, Susan and Edmund joins me. I greet them softly. They greeted me back and take a seat as well.

Not long after, Lucy walks down the stairs and sits next to me. "Good sleep?" I said. She nods her head, smiling at me. But she frowns when she looks at her siblings. I gently rub her back and she just smile at me. Then we start to eat.

"So... Y/N... I notice that you keep wearing a scarf... are you sick or something?" I hear Susan said. I turn to look at her. "Oh... no... not really... it's just... it's easy for me to be cold. That's why I always wear a scarf..." I said. She hums and nod her head. I let out a sigh of relief, because she didn't suspect me.


It's currently night time. I'm still not sleepy, so I just sit in my study table and read some book. I hear the door to my room open. I turn my head to see Lucy.

"Are you asleep?" She said, then looks confused as she looks at my bed. "I'm over here, Lucy..." I said. She turns to look at me and grin. She walks towards me.

"Come on... I wanna go back to Narnia..." she said. I smile and nod my head. I close the book and gently hold her hand. Then we make our way up the attic. Lucy is holding a candle holder in her hand. Right after she opens the wardrobe, the fire blows out. She turns to me and grin happily.

"Come on..." she said, pulling me with her. I smile to myself and follow her. We walk through the layers of clothes. Then I feel something crunching under my feet. I look down to see snow.

"I told you it was real..." she said, grinning at me. "I never said I didn't trust you, have I? And if I recall correctly, I remember saying I do..." I said. She just giggles and starts pulling me towards a certain way.

After a while of walking, we finally reach a small hut. "I'd like you to meet Mr. Tumnus... he's amazing. He gave me some delicious cookies and teas. Along with a beautiful music" she said, looking really excited. I nod my head and she leads me to the door.

She give it a knock. The door open to reveal a man, but he's half goat. He smiles when he sees Lucy. He turns to look at me and I can see his eyes widening slightly. But I give him a look to not say anything.

He invited us in. I just look around the place, just to make sure no one notices me. I let out a sigh and get inside. I take a seat next to Lucy on the couch. The Faun walks towards us holding a tray. He places it in front of us on the table. I can feel his eyes on me.

Lucy and Mr. Tumnus starts to talk, while I just stay silent. After 5 years... I'm finally back in Narnia. The only reason I believed Lucy is because Narnia is my home. I ran away because of some evil witch is after me.

After a while, Lucy starts to feel sleepy. We decided to head home. We get up and Lucy hugs Mr. Tumnus as a goodbye. She gestures me to hug him too. I let out a sigh and walk towards Mr. Tumnus. I wrap my arms around his torso.

"Welcome back, little one..." he whispered in a quiet voice to make sure I'm the only one who hears him. I just smile softly and hug him back. "It's good to be back..." I said. He give me a light squeeze like he always do when I was a kid.

I pull away and turn to Lucy. "Shall we go?" I said. She nods her head and gently holds my hand. I turn to Mr. Tumnus and smile. "I'll see you around..." I mouth at him. He smiles and nods his head. Then I walk away with Lucy.


After a while of walking. We finally reach where the wardrobe is located. But we see someone we least expected. I got a little shock to see him and only could think of one reason. He must have followed us.

"Edmund!" Lucy cheered. She runs towards him and hugs his waist. But he pushes her off. Tch... what a jerk. He can't even hug his own sister.

"You got in too! Isn't it wonderful?!" Lucy said. I just smile at her excitement. "What are you doing here?" I said. "I followed you guys. What do you expect? I mean... it's freezing. How do we get out?" He said. "Come on..." Lucy said, grabbing his hand. I just stay silent and walk along.

Lucy instantly runs down the stairs as soon as we're back. "Peter! Peter! I told you it's real!! Narnia! It's really there. This time... Edmund and Y/N went too" She said. Peter turns to look at me and I just nod my head. He turns to Edmund.

"He didn't exactly go there with me. But Y/N do. By the way, what were you doing?" Lucy said. Edmund looks taken aback by her words. "I'm sorry. I should not have encourage her. But you know... some kids just don't know how to stop pretending" he said. I just glare at him. Lucy burst into tears and runs away.

Susan chase after her, Peter as well. "You need to stop being a jerk to your own sister. One day you'll realize what you're missing. Family..." I said. I push him out of the way and run with the others to give the little girl some comfort.

*to be continued*

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