Chapter 36 - Parallax

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   I was called to the colonel's office, where he had the Master Sergeant and a Major sitting at the meeting table. I was invited to take a seat and did so without hesitation. I was then asked back and forth how I was at the base. Then the next question kind of hit me off my balance of thinking. "Why are you here? You're supposed to be part of the Idaho National Guard. Why are you still here?"

"Uhhhh. Well. I guess I haven't gotten any orders to return, I guess?" I said cautiously.

The Major responded, "You don't need orders to fall in line."

The Colonel next in a stern tone, "We don't want you here Warrant Officer."

"Uhhh. Wha-." I said in a bit of an uncomfortable feel.

The Master Sergeant then chipped in. "You are being treated special as you aren't part of our unit here. You belong to a different branch altogether. You aren't needed here."

"Oh, uhm. Okay then. Uh. I can return ASAP then. Just round up my squad and we can be on our way."

The Colonel then grabbed the next turn to talk, "Unfortunately, we had to lock up your battle buddy, Staff Sergeant Daniel as she had nearly started a fight with one of the officers. She'll be released in 2 days."

"Oh, uh, then I should wait for her?" I asked.

The Colonel broke me the deal, "We will release her to you, on your way out, we expect you to leave ASAP, and no later than 1800 tonight." He looked up at a clock on the wall. "That would be in about 6 hours."

"Alright, I'll prep now! I just need to hit the Supply, and I can be on my way." I said in a bit of worry.

The Major then took his turn, "No. Take what you were given when you first got here. You have extra MREs in that box for a reason. It's all you need. The walk from here to the ING base is about a 4-day hike."

"A.alright then, I will get my team together and leave ASAP." I say while being wedged.

The Colonel then ended it with the following, "You are dismissed Warrant Officer, I wish to never see you at this base again unless it's for a good reason." He then held his hand out pointing all his fingers to the door.

"Yes Colonel," I say before walking out the door.

I first returned to my room and started packing my stuff. My new M1911E 10mm handgun was less bulky than the Colt 6520, x6 MREs, some chocolate bars and jerky, and a first aid kit that I got from supplies 2 days ago.

I take a second to think about how hot I was on the way here. I didn't want to go through that again; so, I stripped off my clothes all but my men's boxer briefs. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a tank top at all. I did wrap my hair up a bit and tied off with a bandana.

I jump into my T-45L, press my chest at the pressure plate, to get the hatch to close behind me, and auto-lock me in. I then proceed to walk out my door, but I was intercepted by a young-looking man, he was an LT, wearing regular garb.

"Ah, Warrant Officer, I'm here to collect you, your team is waiting on the southern entrance, im to help you find your way there. So, just follow me, sir!"

I respond back in a kind of half-hearted tone, "Oh, alright then." I followed him out the end of the terminal, down the side of the runway to an opening in the fence. Daniel and Mark were standing there in full gear and pack ready to go. Daniel was pouting with her arms crossed while Mark was standing there holding a Laser Rifle and no expression on his face, like always. Blaire looking like she was ready to make fun of my weight or something.

After getting directions to take a road here, over a bridge then the first major road in Wallalla city that heads south, to take it; and then we were well on our way. But, I had a different idea from seeing all the towns we will be passing through on my pipboy. I want to see the Enclave's side of it all, how they're treating their people, as I didn't get to do that much with the US.

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