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"Hey, Matt!" Charlie greeted with a smile as he finally picked up the phone.

"Charlie? How do you have—You're with Stefan," Matt said as if he had just remembered.

"Yeah, I am—"

"Is that your boyfriend?" Kennedy (my love) grinned as she walked over to Charlie's room, immediately heading over to the closet. "Oh, no. It can't be," she said tea single as she found the shoes she was looking for. "Seeing as you run away from love!"

Charlie scowled and threw a pillow at the brunette making her laugh as she left the room.

"Who was that?" asked Matt.

"Kennedy, a new. . . . person we met," Charlie replied. "Look, can I ask you for a favor?"

"What is it?" Matt asked with—what I'm assuming would be—a frown.

"Is Finn Mikaelson still in Mystic Falls?" Charlie asked.

"Actually, he's right here at the Grill," Matt informed her. "He's having lunch with that redheaded woman."

"Sage?" Charlie asked and, when she didn't hear anything, she assumed Matt shrugged. "Anyway, can you pass him the phone?"

"Um, sure," said Matt, and soon enough, Charlie heard shuffling, and then came Finn's voice.


"Hold on a sec," Charlie muttered into the phone and peeked outside her door, straining her hearing and smiling promptly when she couldn't hear any other vampire in the precinct. "Hey, Finn."

"Charlene," Finn answered with a strained voice which made Charlie grimace, not even bothering to correct him.

"Can you get someplace where you won't be heard?" Charlie asked and when he didn't move she sighed. "Please. It's important."

"Fine," he sighed and she heard him excuse himself from the table before a whooshing sound was heard. "No one is listening. Talk."

"I need your help."

"Why would I help you?" Finn asked. "Is this somehow a planning of a surprise party for when you get home and back with my siblings?"

"No, this is a planning of I want to bring your sister back, help me," Charlie sighed.

"Rebekah is only at Whitmore tracking you down," Finn said in a matter of fact tone, making Charlie's eyes widened.

"She said she would give me a week!" Charlie screeched.

"It's been half of that time. I'd say she waited enough," Finn said coldly and Charlie sighed again.

"It's not about Bekah," she told him. "It's about Freya."

"How do you know about Freya?" asked Finn.

"That doesn't matter," Charlie groaned. "Your sister is still alive, along with your psychotic aunt and I'm saving her! So help me!"

"Where are you?" Finn demanded.

"So you can tell Nik and Kol? I don't think so," Charlie muttered.

"So I can see my sister!" Finn growled into the phone.

"First I have to save her, Finnik!" Charlie snapped. "I'll send her on your merry way afterward. Just help me!"

"What do you need?"

"I need you to nick your mother's blood from Nik and give it to Caroline," Charlie said. Huh. Nick, Nik. Haha. Charlie's a funny one, that one is.

"Why would I give my dead mother's blood to a stranger?" Finn questioned.

"So she can give it to me!"

"Why can't I give it to you?" Finn asked back.

"Because then you'll know where I am, for God's sake!" she groaned. "Fine just FedEx it!"


"Just give the damn thing to Caroline, Finn," Charlie sighed. "Please. I'm doing this for you and your siblings."

"Fine," Finn finally conceded. "I hope to see you soon, Charlene. You're hurting my brothers."

"Well, I'm not pleased with myself either but there ain't stopping me," Charlie muttered sarcastically.

"Well, I'm sure I can make you feel worse," Finn deadpanned. "Kol and Niklaus have in total killed about thirteen witches for their incompetence in not finding you. Klaus has butchered the mansion. And they are slowly—thankfully—making their way into killing the whole lot of Mystic Falls. That's why Rebekah is already looking for you. Seeing as Kol and Niklaus are too emotional to properly think right now. That and she couldn't deal with the dead bodies at every corner."

Charlie swallowed.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly and then hung up, throwing herself on the bed. And when she heard the door open she sighed. "Why do I have to be such a moron?"

"It's who you are?" Stefan suggested from the door and Charlie scowled at him

"Are you done with your guilt list?" she asked.

And now, I should probably inform you what the guilt list is about. Charlie told Stefan that the best way to get rid of the guilt was to write it down and then burn the paper.

"I am!" came Enzo's voice from the living room. He had also decided to join in.

"You're all back?" Charlie frowned.

"Kennedy is still out. But we have been for about a minute or so," Stefan shrugged. "And yes, I'm done."

"Great! Go burn it!" Charlie said excitingly. "Then we can move on to you accepting the fact that you're a vampire."

"Yeah," Stefan sighed and gave her a smile as they walked out of the room.

They entered the living room and in a second, both Enzo and Stefan had thrown their guilt list in the fireplace, watching enthralled as it burned.

"You should also burn your diaries," Charlie suggested, her eyes twinkling.

"I am not burning my diaries," Stefan said sternly.

"Fine, Jeez," Charlie muttered. "Anyone up to order Room Service?" she asked looking at the two men. "I could order some waitresses. . . ."

"No," Stefan deadpanned making Enzo slouch in his seat. "I need to fully get rid of my guilt and that means booze! We're going back to the bar!"

"Fine," Charlie sighed. "But if I want a security guard for dinner you can't do anything about it!"

"What a coincidence," came Kennedy's voice as she walked in their hotel room. "I just had the security guard from the floor below for lunch! Both ways. And let me tell you! Oof! That guy was so good, I was thinking of not even eating him. But then, I bit him and he ended up limp in my arms. After the sex of course—which he agreed to (obviously). That would've been awkward. Oh, sorry, Stef, I forgot about your human moral side! Sorry!"


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