Attack on Earth

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Land of Darkness

Evernight Castle

Conference Hall

In the castle's conference hall, Emerald and Mercury look out the window with expressions of horror. Hazel walks into the room and approaches the young thief and assassin. He looks to where they are looking. They sat down in a flat land covered in black tar-like pools, Salem stood close by one of the pools as a Grimm crawled out of it.

This Grimm like all others is covered in black skin, with bone-like plates covering their bodies at certain places like armor. A red pattern or symbol resembling an eye is present on their back. It has well-developed hands with opposable thumbs. It was quite large, at almost twice the height of a human on all fours. This Grimm is known as a Beringel.

Salem uses her magic as Nevermore wings suddenly sprout from the back of the Beringel

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Salem uses her magic as Nevermore wings suddenly sprout from the back of the Beringel. The Beringel gets used to its new appendages, before flying up to join many other Grimm of many varieties. Salem turns her head, looking up at Hazel, Emerald, and Mercury.

"It is time," Hazel said.

The three then proceeded to walk out of the room. As they walked through the hall, Emerald held a concerned expression.

"I don't get it. Why would she want to attack Earth? I know that America's military stood in the way and the militaries belonging to Canada, France, Japan, British, and now Russia are joining in, but why attack those that had nothing to do with this?" Emerald asked.

"For payback, most likely?" Mercury guessed.

Suddenly Hazel, Mercury, and Emerald heard a certain laughter. The three stopped in their tracks and turned to see Tyrian stepping out of the shadows and walking up to them.

"Oh, it's so much more than that," Tyrian said.

"What do you mean?" Emerald asked.

"Our Goddess has great plans for that world. She had just sent some of the White Fang to Atlas. Particularly the ware houses containing the new Dust. And when they get there in a couple of days... Well, let's just say that is when the real fun begins," Tyrian explained before laughing.

"Real fun?" Mercury asked.

"You'll see," Tyrian replied.

Outside the castle, the White Fang, The Crown, and the Neo-Nazis were scattered into groups, spread several feet apart, readying their weapons. Several robots march up each of the groups.

The androids were twice the size of everyone else and were armored. They have an M emblem embedded below the chests. There were two types of these robots, the red ones that wield enormous electrified double-tipped halberds and the white ones that wield minigun-grenade launcher hybrids capable of firing bullet ammunition or Dust-based explosives.

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