The V.I.P.

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U.H.L. Headquarters

Inside the U.H.L. building, the students, teachers, and Huntsmen and Huntresses had followed Cassandra inside the U.H.L. building and up to a pair of double doors.

"All of you please enter inside and find a seat," Cassandra said.

Everyone entered through the doors and inside was a large decorative auditorium filled with rows of fold up chairs. Down in front was a stage that had two curved desks and one long desk in between the other two tables. Centered up front was a large podium with two off shot desks around it. The wall behind the desks had the U.H.L. logo centered on it and a large monitor a few feet above it. Everyone looks around, admiring the auditorium as they look for their seats.

"This is a very nice auditorium," Robert said.

"I like the attention to detail," Weiss said.

"So what's gonna happen once everyone arrives?" Jaune asked.

"Some special surprises, that's what," a voice sounding exactly like Jaune answered.

Teams RWBY, JNPR, GRMA, and CFDT all turned around and saw two very familiar men, Miles Luna and Kerry Shawcross.

"Miles! Kerry!" Ruby exclaimed as she dashed at the two co-writers and embraced them into a hug.

"What are you guys doing here?" Kelly asked.

"Miles and I came with the president to see you all, including the others," Kerry answered.

"Others?" Jacob asked.

"I still can't believe that all this is real right now. This must be a fucking dream," a new voice cut in.

Everyone turned to see who the new voice was and Teams CFDT and GRMA recognized who that person was. The man is dressed in a black button shirt, dark blue jeans, and black shoes. He has dark brown, short curly hair and a stubble beard and mustache and wore black glasses on his face.

 He has dark brown, short curly hair and a stubble beard and mustache and wore black glasses on his face

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Oh my god! You're Burnie Burns!" Rebecca exclaimed, pointing at the man.

"One of the founders of Rooster Teeth," Weiss said in realization.

"And dad's voice actor!" Yang said.

"We've managed to contact Burnie and managed to convince him to come over," Kerry said. "We also brought those who voiced the characters of RWBY."

"He had a hard time believing that Remnant is real, but after a brief visit from the government he's managed to come," Miles said.

"At first, it sounded like they were spewing out bullshit and were messing with me. I mean, this all sounds ridiculous, but when the government came at my doorstep and showed me evidence, here I am," Burnie explained.

"Yeah, I'd have a hard time believing all this too," Kendra said.

"So how are things at Rooster Teeth going?" Nora asked.

RWBY and Earth II: Collisionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن