Fight Club Raid

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City of Vacuo

Bug Burger

May 27, 2020

A few days had passed and at night, in downtown Vacuo, Velvet, Octavia, and Kelly were sneaking through the city and preparing to enact the plan to raid The Mirage and capture The Crown's twin leaders.

"You sure this plan they came up with will work?" Octavia asked.

"It's worth a shot to try," Velvet answered.

"It better work and deal with The Crown," Octavia said.

"Girls, in the alley! Quick!" Kelly said.

The three girls ran into an alleyway. Velvet and Octavia wondered why they were hiding in the alleyway.

"What is it?" Velvet asked.

Kelly pointed out to the street as Octavia and Velvet looked to see what the Terran was pointing at. They see a young woman with her hair fashioned into dreads and wore dark mirrored glasses.

 They see a young woman with her hair fashioned into dreads and wore dark mirrored glasses

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"Umber Gorgoneion?" Octavia asked.

"She's with The Crown," Velvet said.

"That can't be. She's too nonchalant," Octavia said.

"Yeah. Nonchalant with joining a terrorist organization," Kelly said.

"Then what now?" Octavia asked.

"She's most likely heading to The Mirage, so I guess we just follow her," Kelly answered.

"Despite already knowing where it is," Velvet said.

The three girls proceeded to follow Umber while making sure she didn't notice them following her. A half an hour later, they followed her to a study warehouse built of steel, which would provide cover from sandstorms with ease. It had been built with shiny, reflective walls to keep the interior cooled in the heat. The building had large steel doors.

Kelly, Velvet, and Octavia ducked behind a large rock just as Umber turned around to see if anyone was following her. She then turns around and walks up to one of the doors and knocks at it. A moment later, the door opens and Umber walks inside with the door closing behind her, all while Kelly peered over the rock watching. She turns and kneels to face Octavia and Velvet.

"Now what?" Octavia asked.

"We wait for a little bit before we get inside," Kelly answered.

"So The Crown inside won't get suspicious," Velvet added.

"Besides, We need to wait for the others before we can put this plan into action," Kelly said.

A few minutes had passed as Kelly was drawing in the sand while Velvet and Octavia fiddled with their weapons. A voice whispered, catching the three's attention.

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