Catch and Miss

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Mistral Home, Mistral

Living Room

The sun was starting to set and Team JNPR, Ruby, Jacob, Britney, Robert, Qrow, Alex, Hayashi and Junichi just got back from capturing Raven.

"I can't believe I let them steal the Dust pouch," Jacob said. "How could I have forgotten I still had the pouch with me?"

"Calm down, Jacob. We have the SDF all over Anima looking for Cinder and the others," Junichi said.

"But still, we need to contact everyone, including Earth," Alex said. "Because if Salem finds out what the new Dust can do and finds out about Earth, then we're all in trouble."

"So what do we do now?" Ruby asked.

"We just received word that our Huntsmen have turned over the audio footage of Professor Lionheart working with Cinder to the Mistral council and now we have permission to take him in," Hayashi said. "Qrow, Junich, and I will go and book him."

"Do you want us to join you guys?" Pyrrha asked.

"No, Leo is not the fighter he used to be like he said," Qrow said.

"He's right. In Volume 5 he couldn't even beat Oscar and he didn't have that much training," Britney said.

"Yeah, to anyone in this room, Professor Lionheart's a push over," Robert said.

"So you guys enjoy yourselves, we got this," Qrow said.

"Alright we'll see you when you get back," Ruby said.

Qrow, Hayashi, and Junichi all walked out. Just as they did, Maria walks in.

"What did I miss?" she asked.


Kuo Kuana, Menagerie

Belladonna Residence


Nighttime has just started in Menagerie, and Blake was leaning against the railing on the balcony, looking up into the night sky. She feels a note taped to the wooden railing of the balcony. She grabs it and reads the message written down:


Things going too far.

Not sure what to do.

Find a quiet spot,

I'll find you.

Come alone. Please.


Blake looked around a bit before walking inside Ghira's office as there was a quiet sound of rustling in the trees behind her. Inside the office, Blake sees Ghira, Sienna, Yang, Sun, Rebecca, Allen, Kali, and Steel making preparations for the arrival of the British Armed Forces.

"Blake, what is it?" Ghira asked.

Blake hands Steel the note as he then reads it while Ghira and Sun look over the soldier's shoulder.

"Looks like your friend is looring you away so the White Fang can freely kill Mr. and Mrs. B," Sun said.

"What do we do?" Rebecca asked.

"I said that the British military would arrive in a few days but I lied," Steel said.

"What? When will they arrive?" Kali asked.

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