Chapter 34(Edited)

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       I was pissed, no livid. Alec yes he saved my life just now but he has no insane idea on how he was my kill. He and Michael kidnapped me for goodness sake. But now that I think about it where is Michael. I started to look around trying to look for him but he was no where. Ughh.

        I then caught the eyes of Trace and made eye contact making him gulp. "Where is he" I spoke, and everyone looks confused. I stay silent listening to any sound as it was absolutely quiet. I almost stopped until I heard a twig snap behind me. I quickly turn around seeing movement in the woods.

      "Kaylor what are you talking about" Trace says but I ignore him and start walking towards the woods. I continue walking where I had seen the figure until I was stopped with a hand wrapping around my waist.

         "What are you talking about." Trace said in my ear and I turned around looking at him. "Michael where did he go, he has been no where on the battlefield and we've already killed his boss so where is he and I'm pretty sure I just saw a figure in the woods so that's what I'm talking about" I say to him getting angered by not just him but everything.

        His face then stoned over with the realization and nodded at me. "So you were just going to walk into the woods to investigate and say nothing to me, really Kaylor, when will you start to think reasonably. You are carrying our child oh wait did you forget about that like last time" he yelled at me but it wasn't till the last sentence did he hurt me.

     I looked at him with pure shock and hurt on my face but immediately covered it up with no emotion on my face. "Kaylor, I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was saying. I... I didn't mean it." he apologizes right after but I shut him up by slapping him across the face.

     " This is no place to start this kind of argument but you already have and you know what Trace I have taken you aback over and over again for things I shouldn't have. Like after you almost slapped me within the first week of being with you and you continuously saying hurtful things to me, you have no right. I get it when we get angry, we say things we don't mean, but how many more times will this happen, your right I'm carrying our child and the reason we're here is because of you this... is all your fault, but I knew there was a possibility of me getting kidnapped but I still stuck with you. Am I complaining about that right now no! I'm trying to help you with a problem you've had for what almost a year now so grow up Trace." I completely yell at him in front of everyone and I see him look down.

    "Your right I guess it is my fault huh?" he says looking back up and I knew where his mind was going. No, no, no. I may be angry but we are not going there. "Trace that's not what I am meaning I am not leaving NO. No way am I going to leave not now okay, what the point of that was not to break us up but just to give you more of an eye opener Trace." I say stressed. Me and my stupid loud mouth.

   "Then what do you want Kaylor". He says to me. "For us to be together, I want that but right now what I am saying is that just because your angry or not thinking means everything is okay I have my own feelings and when you say some of those things they hurt me" I whisper to him exhausted of the yelling.

    I suddenly feel the darkness coming over me and back to the dark where I am to familiar with.

           Trace's Point of View

        Everything that Kaylor said made perfect sense, absolute sense in fact. She was right, it was no excuse. I wake up from my mind to see her body mid falling to the ground and I immediately rush towards her. It was like everything went into slow motion. I was able to catch her before she completely fell to the ground and cradled her head along with her chest on my legs and in my arms.

      "Get a vehicle now we are heading back, and I need groups out searching for Michael!"  I order my men and see a vehicle coming towards us. I pick her up in my arms carrying her into the car to where she was cradled in my arms in the backseat of the car. I didn't want to go to a hospital right now as it's already been a long day.

      We reach the safe house and I see one of the mafia's doctors waiting for us at the entrance of the house and one of my men park the car in the driveway. I get out with Kaylor in my arms and the doctor nods his head at us as a sign of respect towards me and Kaylor even though she's knocked out cold.

       I opened the door and entered the house with the doctor following me to my bedroom in the house. I open my bedroom door and lay Kaylor down on the bed and step back so the doctor could check her vitals and all of the stuff he needed to. I step out of the room with a blank face void of any emotion and head to one of the guest bedrooms.

      It may seem like the same thing over and over again and it honestly is. Our entire relationship seems like nothing but fighting and arguments. But that's where that will change from now on, I've said it so many times before this but this time I will be the better person I know I can be. I will be confident in our relationship, will not let her go, and I will take her on dates, I will make her completely happy like she deserves. I will do it.

      And hopefully after this incident will everything calm down. Where we will be able to finally be able to live in peace. This is a new beginning for us, a new chapter and hopefully a lot better one.

   I lay down in the bed and rest my eyes letting sleep come over me so when I wake up hopefully so will she and we can start over once again.

His Queen(Being Revised)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن