Chapter 10 (Edited)

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Warning some may find this chapter disturbing (Mature Content)

I finally changed out of my dirty clothes and I felt numb. I couldn't feel anything unless I was around Trace, he made me feel things I don't know how to handle but for a reason I was okay with it. I then walked out of the bathroom to see him feeling my heart break.

"If you want me to leave I'm okay now you don't have to carry me as a burden" I say feeling my heart break with my head looking down. "No Kay what, why would you think that, what's wrong and why would you think you were a burden to me hell you were never a burden to me" he says and I look at him taking in his appearance in which he was covered in dried blood.

"What's wrong is that I feel like a failure to our now dead kids, I want to see him, I want him to go through that pain that he just put us through." I yell crying from my emotions all over the place. He nods his head and hugs me while I just cried from the hard hitting emotions of guilt, hurt, and so many other emotions.

I hug him back but only pull away a second later. My outfit was a black t-shirt with a black leather jacket and black jeans with sneakers. We walked out of the room together and the feeling of want and need for revenge was raging in me. We walked into the elevator together and you could tell I was livid by being in any presence near me.

We stepped out onto the floor level and it smelled awful. It was full of smells like urine and diseased blood, puke and waste from the human body. We walk further into it and my blood boils more from anger and revenge. We stopped in front of a cell and I saw the bastard who killed our babies, my babies. I immediately open the cell after it was unlocked and walk straight up towards him but he doesn't even raise his head to acknowledge me .

I smack the back of his head hard and he immediately wakes up and quickly lifts his head to my attention. His eyes looked broken but I didn't care that he was a monster. "I'm sorry" he croaked and I laughed at his pity apology because it would do nothing for him.

I smacked him straight across the face hard but that didn't satisfy me and didn't inflict the pain he caused us. I then kneed him in the baby maker and he groaned. "You may be sorry but you're sick, you know what you did, you see you took away two innocent lives yesterday."I scream in his face.

He looked at me shocked and even more regretful for what I had just said figuring out that I had been pregnant. "Yeah you took away our babies my babies, you are a little disrespectful piece of shit bastard" I said to him again right in his face but closer to his ear so he understood what he did and who he was. I then backed away from him and walked over to the torture table grabbing a pair of knives smiling knowing that what I was about to do was going to be fun.

I knew Trace thought that this would be my first time doing something like this but it wasn't, when my parents were killed I did my research on their case and tortured people who were responsible or partly responsible for their death. I then felt a pair of hands touch both of my arms to try and stop me but I pull away and continue walking towards Michael.

I twirl the knives in my hands then slowly drag one of them down his cheek drawing blood from his disgusting face. He winced but doesn't show how much it actually hurts which I could admire. I smile feeling the adrenaline pump through me doing this once again. You might see me as evil from doing this before but this time I'm just a woman who wants the truth and revenge for her now dead children.

It's been clocked for two hours and you could tell he was in pain from the cuts and bruises I have given his disgusting self. I turn around and walk towards the table, put everything that I used back in its place and I look down and see I had blood all over me.

I heard footsteps coming from behind me and I turned around looking at his familiar face. Crap what if he doesn't want me anymore for this I thought to myself until I felt lips on my forehead and a hand behind my head and on the side of my neck. I looked up to him and could only see him smiling. In many ways we were the same, though we do have some differences in a couple or more things. "Don't overthink it I love the same I will never leave you I will always want to be near you and be loved by you even if I say otherwise, now come on let's get you cleaned up" he says to me cradling me to his side as we walk to the elevator to leave the floor.

"What are you going to do with him?" I asked curiously. " Well you see that wasn't really Michael it was his twin brother I figured it out and I knew it because Michael never walks into my room without knocking and he hates the color green" he tells me and I was in shock. "Was or is he an enemy" I ask not wanting to think I was hurting someone innocent and who didn't deserve it.

"Yes' ' he says coldly, sending a shiver down my spine from how cold and distant his voice was. "It's okay, he's not going to hurt you" he tells me, putting his hand on my waist while walking slightly behind me with me in front of him but to the side. We walked out from the elevator and down a long hallway I wasn't familiar with which had many doors and paintings going down that hallway. One painting was of a family with beautiful parents and four beautiful children with one girl and three boys. But one of the boys looked familiar until I realized it was Trace and I went to look at him but I didn't see him.

I looked down the hallway to see if he was there but he wasn't. I then felt a hand wrap around my neck scaring me and I lightly jumped. I turned around immediately scared until I realized it was Trace. "I need you to leave okay to leave me alone right now" he says and walks off leaving me in the hallway that I wasn't familiar with. This bipolar ass. I say to myself stomping my feet not believing him right now.

"I know he's bipolar at least he seems so '' someone says and I turn to see a girl in the hallway. "Names Paula Giovanni the jackasses sister" she says introducing herself with a small smile. "I'm Kaylor Light. I guess his old baby mama now so nothing really else to him" I say, rubbing my arms from a wish that will never happen between us. "What do you mean" she asks walking towards me with her eyes filled with curiosity, "Um I got kicked, beaten and I- uh- I lost the twins'' I say breaking down with tears slowly falling from my eyes still not over the fact that I lost my babies.

She steps towards me quickly and wraps her arms around me even with blood all over me while I break down from the emptiness I now have. I might not have been pregnant for long but I knew I was and I loved them so much. "It's going to be okay I swear I promise" she says and I pull away from her nodding my head and wiping my tears.

I then hear yelling from down the hallway and I look to see someone I've wanted to see for awhile now. The one and only, Hanna Grace. My best friend and I guess kind of a medium.

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