Chapter 17(Edited)

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He walked straight out of the room and so did I except I locked it from the outside which is a pro and con in this house. "Get the girl that is in the closet out of the closet and investigate her right now" I hear him yell at many of his men and they scurry to the closet unlocking the door and I hear her scream which makes me flinch a little. It was after my baby sister.

I see him walk in his office and slam the door behind him and I got to open the door but it was locked. "TRACE RUSSO GIOVANNI OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!" I yelled and ooh mama was mad, I used his middle name. The door opens and I see him turn back around towards his desk.

"We no you let in a traitor into our mafia, who is she working for, who are you working for" he yells calmly to me and I glare at him. "First off mister you will not speak to me like that and secondly I am working for no one other than this mafia but Addie is with Alec Romanica" I sternly state to him.

His face comes with realization and he puts his hands in his hair pulling at it. "Leave the baby before this gets any worse. This will only put you in danger. I don't want to, I can't lose you." He says and I shake my head. Everything that happens always sends us away from each other not this time though, I won't let it happen.

I nod my head walking out with a thought in my head. If he insists I leave every time something bad happens he will learn my full wrath. The wrath only I am able to do. I have made him soft so now I will teach the both of us to be hard on the outside and soft to each other alone.

Trace's Point of View

I sat at my desk withering my decisions to Kaylor but I have a feeling she's not really leaving. I have a feeling she's making a plan and I have no idea what it is. Suddenly the door barges open and I see Bryce.

"Did you make Kaylor mad because I just passed her and her entire aura was mean and fierce?" he says, narrowing his eyes at me. "Her sister was working for Alec Romanica and I don't want her to get into this and be hurt so I sent her away" I tell him and his jaw opens in disbelief.

"You are unbelievable she's not leaving and I have a feeling you know that and she's going to make a plan don't you" he says and I nod my head leaning back in the chair. "Oh boy you're in so much trouble." He says walking out of my office and I go to my secret stash of Jack and just sit there in thought with a bottle of Jack Daniels in my hand.

Kaylor's Point of View

I knew his reasons behind the act but it's every time something scares him about me to be put in danger he pushes me away and I won't let it happen again. I walk past Bryce and completely ignore him since I'm going on my own mission to the gym. I know I'm still pregnant but I need to let some steam off before I kill someone.

I walk into the gym and go to a punching bag not even wrapping my hands before I start punching the living shit out of it. I hear people and can tell people are watching and talking about me but I don't care. I never will. I took a break seeing I had been doing the bag for three hours and my hands looked horrible from the bruises and blood.

My outfit that wasn't even made for the gym was sweat filled and disgusting. I look around to see absolutely no one left in the gym so I decide to head out and eat since I was starving. I knew I should really start watching the babies too and can't go as hard as I did today. In fact I shouldn't have done it in the first place but I wasn't thinking about which I will from now on.

I see it was dark outside and I see everyone at the dinner table including a drunk looking Trace for that. I go and sit beside him not caring if I smell, I was hungry. I immediately dived into my food when it was set in front of me and quickly ate it to see everyone staring at me.

"Where were you and why are you sweaty?" Trace asks and I glare at him. "None of your damn business" I growl at him and get up grabbing my plate to bring in the kitchen and I start washing it. After I finished washing my plate I walked past everyone and went to the guest bedroom. I shower and use the guest clothes that were in there which were mine from today and put them on.

For some reason I was still mad with all of my pent up frustration so I changed into gym clothes bringing water, snacks, and I headed to the gym once again. I was sitting with my headphones blasting music doing curl ups when I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around. It was Bryce.

"What are you doing when you're pregnant? Do you even care about the babies you are harming?" he yells at me and I stand straight up fast. "Don't you dare say that of course I fucking care about them their also my babies but your brother is being a coward right now stressing me out and I'm sitting here trying to not kill someone so do not fucking talk to me unless you want a bullet through your head" I shout grabbing all of my stuff and walking out of the gym.

As soon as I walked out of the gym I started crying from my overwhelmed emotions I'm going through. But was he right? I keep forgetting I'm pregnant, stressing myself out, working out hard, and barely eating. How will I be close to being a good mom? I was going to disappear then if I wanted to better myself I would leave and no one could change my mind.

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