Chapter 11(Edited)

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Found this spider on my door scared the hell out of me like wts


When I saw Hanna come around the corner at the end of the hallway I was in complete shock. I was frozen like a statue just watching her, not realizing she was hitting some of the men in the jaw from her elbows which was a little dramatic but she didn't care. She looked my way and froze when she saw me like I was to her. She blinked and looked back at the men like go now you turds but looked back to me and took off running well, more like sprinting towards me.

"Oh My Gosh you're pregnant" she says after we hug each other for what seemed like hours and I look down sadly shaking my head no. "You're still pregnant and I know that for a fact because I'm on my period and you would start having cramps around right now and your stomach has grown and I can feel them, well the energy they created" she screams and I look at her shocked. Oh did I forget to mention she's like a medium or sidekick. So yea.

I look at her and a smile creeps at my face. I could still be pregnant with my babies, and if I am I'm killing the doctor. It would also explain why the smell of my amazing coffee makes me gag. I immediately turned around heading in the direction of the elevator with Hanna and Paula keeping up behind me. The elevator then opens its doors and we step in and I press the hospital level button and we go up.

The bell rings signaling we were on the floor and the doors open to where I step off completely livid in anger. I look around the lobby looking for the doctor and when I see him he freezes in place making eye contact with me probably even more scared with the dried blood on my clothes. There were guards by the elevator opening and they looked at me a little scared but quickly removed it from their faces. I pointed my eyes and finger towards the doctor and they nodded understanding my command. And so did the doctor.

The look of panic crosses his face and he takes off trying to get away but not for long. I see a nurse secretly step her foot in the middle of the hallway and he runs straight towards her quickly tripping over her foot and face planting onto the floor. I laugh seeing him fall on his face from the unexpected trip to the ground and groaning now holding his face.

The guards picked him up and brought him in front of me while his body was shaking and trying to get away from me, showing the fear in his eyes. "Did you lie to me and your boss about my miscarriage" I ask him in a deathly voice showing he had no way out of this mess. He looks down in shame nodding his head yes meaning I was still most likely pregnant with my babies making me happy but I couldn't let him go and I go serious again. "Take him to the dungeon" I tell the guards and they nod their head and we all walk into the elevator.

We reached the main floor for me, Hanna, and Paula or should have been Paula but she kind of disappeared but anyway me and Hanna got out of the elevator and the guards stayed in the elevator to go down to reach the cells. "So you're like a mafia boss now or what?"Hanna says and I look at her seriously. "Who do you think the dad is?" I asked her to see and let her guess. "Well no way could it be Trace Giovanni I mean he's hot and rich but he is known to be ruthless and stone cold" she tells me and I get pissed.

"Don't you fucking talk about him like that, you don't know him at all and if I hear you talk about how good he looks I will kill you" I hiss at her because she just assumed things about him and it ticked me off but she only smiles. "Look at you, you're in love and jealous and in danger." She says talking back to me from my blowup. I roll my eyes walking away from her when I hear loud footsteps. "No I'm not." I respond when a door opens and Trace comes out of it and I smile at him but he doesn't smile back, confusing me.

"Why the hell did you put the doctor in the fucking dungeon" Trace yells at me and I look at him with an incredulous look. "Maybe because I have a freaking reason," I say.......... "He's fucking lied about me having the miscarriages and don't act like you give a fuck anymore because when I needed you, you left leaving me alone with your sister so fuck off" I say flipping him the bird and walking off when he grabs my arm stopping me.

"You're telling me you're still pregnant with the twins" he says and I laugh humorously. "You only want the kids, well guess what you won't get them now I don't care who you are, you will leave me the hell alone and if you bring me back here I will be your worst nightmare" I yelled at him walking away from him as quickly as I could.

I reached the main hallway and walked towards the front door and opened it not caring if he wanted me to leave or not. All of a sudden I was thrown over someone's shoulder and I screamed. "Trace put me the hell down" I squeal at him. "If you think you're leaving without my reasoning and truth you're wrong" he says and to me that made no sense.

I stare at his butt and smile from my plan once again. I slap it and he jumps. Maybe I do have a butt fetish I say to myself laughing. I suddenly feel my feet landing on the ground and I immediately look to stare in Trace's eyes. "Did I bring you here in the first place with the twins, no I didn't because I wanted you" he says looking directly into my eyes.

"No you didn't, no one wants a piece of crap like me, you just wanted to use me like everyone else who says they want me" I say feeling myself break again like it did early last year that I have been covering up. "What do you mean everyone else" he growls and I look at him with pain as my emotion.

Suddenly I broke, the tears flowing and my entire body shaking. I kept repeating the words they repeated to me. You're my whore, my slut, your nothing, your nothing in this world. I felt it happening, the panic rising in me, the heart being struck and physical pain. I was having a panic attack.

"Move back she's having a panic attack" I hear someone yell but I didn't know who, I couldn't breathe, couldn't see nor hear. I suddenly just screamed from the attack, grabbing my hair falling down from the ground and feeling something wet on my forehead. I grabbed the big hand and pushed away but it returned.

I finally felt my entire body start to calm but the anxiety and panic and it was still as strong as ever. "Shh you're okay it's going to be okay" I hear Hanna say and I eventually calm down where the emotions were there but not enough to be triggered. I then hear crashing glass and feet stomping on the hardwood floor. I remembered it though it was a very upsetting Trace.

           For anyone reading this book anxiety and panic attacks are not okay to be made fun of. I have had my own experience so please talk to someone about it if you can I promise it will help.

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