16. New Beginning

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2 Weeks Later

'Thanks, Candice for smuggling this cheeseburger for me'' A moan escaped my lips as I took a bite. 

''Anything for my dear friend'' She grinned.

''Yeah, okay that's enough'' I said with my mouth full.

Candice helped me pack a few of my stuff or more like she did the packing and I just ordered her around. It was my last day in the hospital, and I couldn't have been happier to leave this place. I was on bed rest and the doctor suggested taking rest at home, too.

Give it a break!

I needed to go out, I must. Mom couldn't help me pack because of an emergency case, so Candice decided to step up. Candice had been tending to my every need. I was blessed with such an amazing friend but lately, I felt it's more like a burden on her because there was a life outside of this place and just like me, she was also missing out on a lot of things. 

My Mom was a crying mess and I blamed myself for putting her in this situation. What was I thinking when I stepped out of Caleb's house? A fucking minor attack and that wasn't enough, an accident.

Just great! 

Mom was spending her free time with me and telling me about the things I had missed in the last few weeks. Honestly, it felt like I was just sleeping for the whole day and now I was awake. Nothing seemed to stop, things just happened to pop out of nowhere, it was like I was on a fucking roller coaster ride. 

Now, all I wished for was a new beginning. A new start. 

''Candice, you haven't told me about the Winter Dance?'' She stopped and looked at me, ''Oh C'mon I know you went. I saw the pictures''. 

''Yeah...''. She said in a small voice, ''He just asked and I'd to agree. Honestly, I don't even want to go but you forced me''. 

''Look, I don't want you guys to miss out on important stuff just because of me. I missed Thanksgiving, Winter Dance and my studies, which I don't think I'll be able to cope with anytime soon. I do not want to miss out on other stuff''. I told her. 

She simply just smiled but soon that smile was replaced by a smirk, ''I'd no idea that Grayson was a damn good kisser''. 

''Ew...you don't have to tell me that. Grayson is my friend and now I have an image in my head''. I scrunched up my face as she laughed. 

''Anyway, I packed all your stuff but as usual, Caleb is late''. She said as she took the phone out of her long brown coat, ''I'll just give him a call''. I nodded. 

''Wait a sec, he was never late''. I defended. 

''Stop defending him, Cooper. I get it, you both are all lovey-dovey now''. She said, sticking her tongue out. 

''L-Lovey dovey? Are you out of your freaking mind, Candice? Are you even listening to yourself''? I said as I touched my cheeks.

Damn, why the hell my cheeks feel so hot.

''Fuck! He is not picking up''. She said, ignoring what I just said.

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